• @D1Vine I'm not a catfish. :smirk:

  • Global Veteran Banned

    Why is it so important to tell the whole world you're gay? And be proud of it like you faggots just invented hot water? All you ppl do is put your wieners in the wrong hole or play scissorscisters and pretend to be the opposite gender 🀷

    Imagine straight people doing that 🀣
    Proud to be straight, straightparade woot.
    Look at me i wear blue jeans bc i'm straight. My wife wears a normal summer dress she's such a straight rebel damnnn.

    Homophobic people will always be around as long as this gay promotional campagne continues. They don't necesarily had a problem with you being gay in the past and neither do i. But 2 much is 2 much.

    I do have a problem with turning on my tv at 7pm with my kid nephew sitting next to me and we get to watch a show about trannies.
    Every single show got a lesbian or gay couple in it, gotta stay politically correct hmm.

    This faggotry is being pushed to our young ones, from a very early age. It's pure faggot brainwashing and indoctrination these days.
    And i'm getting tired of seeing this everywhere i look.

    You can do what you want of course. Spread your opinion and post that cringy bearded tranny gif wherever you go.

    On the other hand i also do and say what i want. You have your opinion. This is mine.

    Not gonna say suck my balls because you probably would.
    But πŸ–• yourself (buttfuckyourself)

  • @LeoWeirdo yw

  • @TheRisingSun all hair trs
