• @briankaranja What?

  • @briankaranja Ye agreed. Once you understand the scientific explanation of why and what is happening to you, you can start to control it. No?

  • @spaceboy
    Is that a vedic mantra?

  • @spaceboy gtfo with yo black magic

  • I wish I did not have the feeling of love or affection at all. It's all so fucked up and it hurts.
    I sound like an overdramatic bitch. But it's the truth.

  • Actually yes there are some chemical reaction in our brain ...But to be emotionally strong or strongly emotional is under our will.☺

  • @sup
    Sell or get rid of your human soul and find out how much more worse it can get!
    You will become the devil itself, hurting others and not caring at all.

  • @Alte
    Yes it already has been. However, all of them are short term fixes.
    E.g. Covering the boat hull with duct tape

    • in the short term- keeps the boat from sinking
      in the long term- the duct tape ruins paint and removes anti fouling layer ultimately making the boat shithouse

    Many people suggest higher spiritual methods including illicit drugs to fix these problems and it has worked and currently is being scientifically proven (as it uses drugs which are impossible to do research on due to legality [stupid hippies]) as methods to help fight mental illness.

  • @Alte If I consider that all the electrochemistry of my brain is responsible for all the reactions of my organs, but that my brain is just my control panel, my hardware, which has an "autopilot" for autonomous functions like breathing, reflexes, and distribute the impulses to my organs and systems without the need for a conscious impulse to do so, I am responsible for the rational and conscious command of this biomachine. The computer is nothing without your operating system. I am intelligent and self-aware software and the brain is my quantum processor that manages the peripherals.

  • @Alte said in Brain Chemistry:

    How do you feel about he fact that all of your emotions are just fckin chemicals in your head? Including "Love".

    The same way I feel about the fact that my sense of touch is just my fcking somatic sensory systems nerve receptors next to a bunch of molecules sending signals to my brain.
    I do nothing about it, just because I know it is there and exists doesn't exactly mean I can change it, the same way I can see that the grass is green but I cant make it grow a different color.

  • @Zen00 But the grass is not a part of you. And i think the touch mechanism works a bit differently from emotions, as emotions have an effect on ur mind like a mood change or something, therefore it comes down to whether you wish to gain control or not, no?

  • @Zen00
    Actually, the grass is not green, either.
    You just perceive it as such because most of nature's plantlife reflects the most abundant wavelength existing inside the sun's lightrays.
    And that just happens to be green light.
    To add to that: The human eye is most sensitive to green light.
    That is why military nightvision goggles or residual light amplifiers depict the image in green light.
    That way you can depict an image at a lower voltage and screen brightness for the same effect and also to conserve battery charge.
    alt text

  • @Karina-Kara said in Brain Chemistry:

    Actually, the grass is not green, either.
    You just percieve it as such because most of nature's plantlife reflects the most abundent wavelength existing inside the sun's light.
    And that just happens to be green light.
    To add to that: The human eye is most sensitive to green light.
    That is why military nightvision goggles or residual light amplifiers depict the image in green light.
    That way you can depict an image at a lower voltage and screen brightness for the same effect and also to conserve battery charge.
    alt text

    I am aware of this I was just making a point 😂

  • @Alte said in Brain Chemistry:

    @Zen00 But the grass is not a part of you. And i think the touch mechanism works a bit differently from emotions, as emotions have an effect on ur mind like a mood change or something, therefore it comes down to whether you wish to gain control or not, no?


  • @Zen00
    Hell yes, i am not the only one knowing this.