@ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ Why don't we bring back Kayla:() or should I say
Put Kayla on
Posts made by ShayThatBae
RE: Who would you bring back from the dead?
Who would you bring back from the dead?
Now there’s so many people who have come and go on Tws but there’s always that one person who changed your entire experience here. If you could bring back someone who left/rarely comes who would it be?
For me it’d be a girl called Emma, there’s so many emmas I know😂😂 but she made this retarded shithole place seem a lot better, now it’s just a retarded shithole ting, I’ll always miss her😭😭
How tall are you duuuuuuude
Okay this isn’t a chance to mock people for their height (I mean it totally is) but like I’m 5’6” and where I live I’m small asf but apparently to some people here I’m so tall so uno that’s weird. Now tell yours
RE: Whom do you think is the gorgeous female in the world ? ❣️❣️
@Tarieeeee has to be @ᚱᚢᚾᛖᛋ even her runic name is sexy
RE: Whose your favourite person in tws ?
@Tarieeeee Moss the feminazi’s hatred against everyone was super cool, her hatred towards men was fascinating, god I do wonder whether her alien boyfriend saved her from us🤭🤭 She has to be my favourite person shame she don’t have an account tho
Dude how do people like croissants? They taste so facking weird they remind me of all the good things in my life that don’t exist. Croissants are literal tragicisms please tell me there’s someone who agrees with me😭
RE: Pick your talent :fire:
@Eucalyptus saying the most offensive shit in a way that doesn’t offend people😂😭 it’s an underrated talent like imagine being able to tell a person their personality sucks in a way they don’t get offended:() so cool man so cool
Most of you are hornies and satans so please click this for an exorcism
Here’s some holy water tings
Okay uh I have a feeling few people will have cringed at the topic but look, if you’re a victim to sexual assault or abuse or any kind of harassment please speak up because harassment is not a joke and it’s not a petty issue. Why do we tolerate harassment jokes? We’re practically normalising it by just making a hArMlEsS jOkE. I think people underestimate the affect and power of their actions, brushing off red flags makes you ripe for exploitation and staying silent will never bring you justice. And maybe if you get justice against your attacker, you could be saving another life. Honestly the tragic part about this is knowing there’s gonna be so many people who read this and mock me, it’s sad to know there’s people who just don’t give a shit cos it never happened to them
Here’s a singing video which kinda expresses my feelings to what happened for my experience; it’s a song called Undo by Sanna Nielsen the artist sings it so beautifully I swear if you like my cover go listen to it:))CD88A81E-00F0-4A67-954B-DA9DA1CD3007.mov
Your voice matters and if someone says eitherways, they’re a cracchead. -
RE: Imagine having a crush on your friend!!
@Şhıné i have a crush on Kathleen, her endless supply of hand sanitisers is extremely hawt😍😏
Get 20% of your dumb fuck juice
Time to use my marvellous salesman skills to win you over. Would you like to buy my brand of dumb fuck juice? Cos a fucker like you can't get any dumber so you can pray it makes you smarter. It's reverse psychology really. It tastes like apple juice with sweetcorn and bleach inside of it, it's good for your health because it'll kill you before you reach 30, you don't have to witness more depressing shit andddd there's a sale for 20% off. So cool right!
RE: i was in love found out hes taken
@Simron-persaud happened to me too bro. I ate this really good pizza and I was excited for the last slice then my brother ate it. Tragic. I still cry about it to this day😭
RE: Do you back the Rebellion?
Looks like I’m gonna go hunt down bert cos bert is da manssss
Rip in pieces TWS
Okay so Tws user accounts are more broken than my brother’s iPad that he smashed against a wall and then spilt almond milk on. Yes, very tragic. Duuuuude legit nothing works:/ Bruh may I just applaud tws for making the posting topics ting work? Like well doneee broooo you made sure something ain’t broken we proud we real proud👏👏 i guess the devs are working on it cos if they aren’t, that’s just plain rude. I kinda log in just to stalk my own profile now it’s lowkey depressing:()
RE: The Live Chat updates are a bigger joke than my entire existence
@ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ I will draw a line between what is joke and what is serious
Just wait and watch. Take it as a threat -
The Live Chat updates are a bigger joke than my entire existence
Okay let’s all be real for a sec. ahem, live chat has always been kinda shit but something like last month or two months ago it reached what we thought is peak shittiness but ofc the lovely devs are there to prove us wrong. Bruh I ain’t ever been so confused before about live chat💀 and also they changed my username to “random” the audacity:() I know live chat regs/mods may disagree with me here but deep down y’all know that live chat is a literal joke now😭
RE: Hot chocolate >>>>>> Coffee
@ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ I hope you have a great night, very great, so great, be great, you’re great, you’re very great, you are the greatest