Ohhhh! I love incendiary topics.
I'm about to make any reader actually THINK.
Some say human life begins at conception.
In this vial I have an egg.
In this vial I have a few million sperm.
I mix them together, give it a little shake, and the egg is fertilized.
It's splitting into a zygote, it's ready to attach to a womb, and it would likely develop into a baby.
Drinks the vial
Did I just comit cannibalism?
Some people say they want smaller government.
Then the same people pass so many laws that even your crackhead wife's abortion requires carbon copy notorized triplicate forms, unnecessary pelvic exam, listening to heartbeats, three counseling sessions with prayers included, a signed affidavit by the unknown father that she met at a bar one night, and, oh, sorry, that took too long. Abortion and to be done yesterday during the first 6 weeks of pregnancy. We will now arrest you for giving birth to a crack baby. A lot of laws they love. But "big government is bad".
Some people say they are completely against abortion. And then they or their sister becomes pregnant but the embryo attached inside the fallopian tube instead of the uterus. If it is not removed then mother and fetus would both die.
Some say that they are against abortion except in cases of rape and incest .... Apparently, if your dad is your grandpa then you don't count as a baby. The world already blames you before you're even born.
Some say that abortion should be between a woman and her doctor. Apparently the doctor arrested in Arizona for sexually assaulting his paitents proves that doctors are unbiased. Or the doctors that will prescribe medical marijuana to anyone for a fee always have their paitents' best interest at heart. And it's irrelevant if the woman is a crackhead that is convinced satain got her pregnant while she was zonked out of her mind in solitary confinement.
Some say abortion should not be used as birth control.
Others say birth control is abortion.
Some say a featus is a human baby when it develops a heartbeat at about 5 weeks. Apparently can be as small as a sesame seed and you do not need ears, eyes, nose, or even a brain (all of which BEGIN to develop at the 6th week) to be a human. Most women do not even discover they are pregnant until they are atleast in the sixth week.
Ironically, the people that pass the highly restrictive "Pro-Life" laws to "protect children" tend to be the same people that agree with Trump's actions of taking children away from parents at the Mexican boarder, want to take welfare and food stamps away from families, and feel that children born in the US with non-citizen parents aren't really children but "Anchor Babies". Many would even approve of sending delinquent juvenile offenders to prison instead of to juvenile detention "so they learn their lesson"
Any politician that raises the abortion issue during times where the topic has been quiet, or who sums up their opinion in a simple phrase such as "life begins at conception" or "except in cases of rape and incest" only prove they have no idea what they are talking about.
There is no simple answer in regards to abortion. It is a grey area as large as the planet.