I'd rather have no need for either
Posts made by Saviour
RE: Would you rather have more time or more money?
RE: Is it possible to be reincarnated as an alien?
There is no one to be reincarnated
RE: What are the things you do when you feel alone and sad?
Alternately scroll suicide forums and spiritual blog posts/videos
RE: tell me your conspiracy theories.....
Rhe sense of individuality is a brain activity and not actual
RE: What does it feel like when you start to be gay/ lesbian?
Your elbows become hairy and they dissolve
RE: Is Satan/Devil sexy or ugly?
Satan is a metaphor for the idea of a separately existing life form that has "a life" and knows what "it's life" is/should or shouldn't be.
RE: Space-Time and Eternity
Space/time is an illusion created by the brain, reality is dimensionless, and unchanging
RE: Do You have any addiction? If you do what is it?
Addicted to procrastination