Fam where pokemon at

Posts made by pepemyhoe
Ig to follow friends and for memes
RE: Why am I not losing my weight?
What you should be doing is intimate fasting and be at a caloric deficit. Most people thing you'll loose weight just by running, and that's not the case. Be at a caloric deficit and spend roughly around 30-45 minutes at the gym doing HIIT exercises. You'll gradually loose about 1.5 - 2lbs a week.
RE: Working out to gain a great summer body
@escape2018 Hey man, it takes time for muscle to grow. I've been only working out for about 9 months now and it's tough trying to get a good boy. But don't just do it because you saw pictures on the internet. You should be doing it for you and because you want to. Keep training and dieting and you'll get there. Just need a lot of patience.
RE: Yo so like...what helps calm you when you have anxiety??
What I normally do before a big presentation is I take slow deep breaths. I also chew gum because it tend to get my mind off of things and relax me. Or if either doesn't work, I just wing it and take the L
RE: Can't you just be normal 😑
Half the people behind those accounts is either 12 yr old horny kids or pedos :joy: :joy: and it's hard trying to find someone to chat with on this
RE: Can't you just be normal 😑
Man, don't pay mind to that shit. Just a bunch of trolls
RE: There any decent people who wanna talk?
@emmynerd I'm alright, and you? Not too long ago found this site outta pure boredom
There any decent people who wanna talk?
All im running into is horny indian dudes