he was such a legend to me

Best posts made by Nicole_fra
How would you react if your daughter or sister says she's lesbian?
I would be a surprise for sure but a welcomed one
RE: How would you react if your daughter or sister says she's lesbian?
i wished everyone was as open minded as you are -
RE: How would you react if your daughter or sister says she's lesbian?
@LionCara everyone is so kind and tolerant here <3
RE: OMG Stan Lee just died... RIP :'(
i had the exact same reaction... still can't believe it :'( -
RE: OMG Stan Lee just died... RIP :'(
haha you're right i still have a bottle of vodka in the kitchen -
RE: How would you react if your daughter or sister says she's lesbian?
some people are way more narrow minded than you guys...
feels great to hear such opinions honestly! <3
@SoFa_king_Cody @Sasha-M @Catwoman -
RE: I love this site but i dont know what to do...
whoa thanks, i wasn't expecting such good answers honestly haha
@Mr_Peanut @Mr-H -
RE: OMG Stan Lee just died... RIP :'(
@SoFa_king_Cody my man ;)
@gokulpsh i have the high ground -
RE: OMG Stan Lee just died... RIP :'(
@SoFa_king_Cody such a great movie / dialogue