@benika-menro i think you're too sexy for your shirt and it hurts

Best posts made by mikeJB
RE: what do you think I'm sexy?
RE: If u spend like an hour talking to someone on here...
i hide nothing. as far as soulmate, i disgree. you can ask people on here that will claim some of the people they have met on here might just be "the one". i have recently chatted on here with someone and we extended it to voice and i can honestly say she makes me smile and makes my heart warm inside. :)
RE: What if................ (Click to read more)
judith, i just realized who you remind me of. because you talk so much about sex n shit...porn star maddy oreilly
your funniest comedian ever list
michael ian black
chevy chase
richard pryor
norm mcdonaldand lastly, eddie murphy RAW is the funniest shit that has ever been and ever will!!!!!!!!!
RE: Sad? Here, dis make you more sad :D
one of the saddest songs and videos ever made. have lots of tissues nearby
RE: How can one live a rich life?
you live a rich life by showing others their own riches :)
RE: Stop touching MEN to prevent covid
does not mention the penis. so thats ok?
why i will always cry and never be ashamed
i am a grown man and yet i cry. to music, to movies, to a good book with poingancy. i used to be ashamed. my father called me a sissy all the time. girls always wanted a tough guy. i got into emo and poetry as well. i woke up one day and realized it is ok to cry. it is ok to be a "sissy". i would rather show my emotions than hide them. lately i have been reminiscing on old music songs that make me tear up. people who lost and tributes to them. one of them was Whitney Houston. i never realized how amazing she was until after she passed and read up on her and watched her more closely. she God in female form voice wise. anyway, how does his tie into my post about crying? many of you know the band Soundgarden. good rock and even metal at times. Chris Cornell seemed like a tough rocker, right? i found this on the net and never even knew it existed. a few days after she passed, Cornell went out and during his set, played his heart out in song to Whitney in trubute. a man , a rocker, sending out a tribute to a black singer he prob never met. it blew me away how this man is deemed a rocker dude but has a heart like this. that is why i will still keep crying and not be ashamed for it. crying is another sign that you are alive! so sad that the man singing that tribute also passed. **************
RE: la la la la la la la
not sure why, but remind sme of this. i have a MASSIVE crush on the girl :)
RE: How can one live a rich life?
i read this once, beautiful
the greatest gift you can give someone is to show them their own potential
RE: Stop touching MEN to prevent covid
@nightshifter only to you my dear
RE: The universe is unimaginably big for man's creation
its made that way on purpose. it keeps us in our place when we start thinking we are bigger than the world. we look up and say "im nothing, ill shut up now"
RE: People of TWS, we need to have a conversation.
@Gemini_Beta you mean like we have in the White House and Congress?
guys, im crying right now...
but in a good way! so heres the story. a had all kinds of panic episodes and what not . ran my heart rate to the clouds! i recently went in for an echo of my heart. it was told all was normal and great EXCEPT i have LVH but it was mild. for those that dont know its basically an enlarged heart due to stress on the heart wall. mainly the left ventricle that pumps most of the blood. now that can be tamed with beta blockers and pressure meds which im on. but anyway, why am i crying? there is also a thing called HCM. pretty much the same thing EXCEPT , and this is huge. IT IS NOT CAUSED BY HYPERTENSION! it is something you are born with through inherited faulty genes. they produde more heart wall muscle cells than normal and make your walls thicker. this will eventually make your heart like a stiff balloon ready to pop. no elasticity and your heart cant fill or pump. THERE IS NO CURE! no treatment, either. you cant really even play sports. people usually die before 30 of sudden arrest. it is ALMOST a death sentence. you can die in your sleep at any time because of created arythmias. i know tonight after doing alot of reading i am almost sure i dont have HCM because my wall thickness is MILD and not ABNORMALLY THICK. 13-15 is the mild range for wall thickness. high abnormal (hcm) is 20 or more. so if i was loer than that now i am almost certain i dont have HCM. i also read not everyone does right away overnight with it but it highly propable you wont have a good outome. so i am on my knees tonight knowing i dont have something incurable or inherited that might take me out quicker than i wanted. i can even work out knowing i should be ok. i lucked out for now. yeah i could get cancer next yr we all have that dice we throw, but this news has me looking to the sky and thanking the Big Man. i saw REALLY SCARRED! i now want to be the best i can be mental and physical wise starting this year. did my first workout tonight. to anyone to thinks life aint that big a deal or complains about this and that, just once think about people that have something they never asked for, has no cure, and might even make the suffer in front of their families for years. tonight i am thankful for my life. dont know about you (thank you Lord)
all this sex talk is fine. but what the F ever happened to wining and dining your girl first? hell even conversation beforehand???? guess i live in the wrong time man. send me away to the 1930s or something. they had a thing called COURTSHIP back then
RE: What’s the sexiest and least sexy name?
m dylan, christian,
f alisson, hannah, lisetteleast
m marvin, doug, irvin
f ruth, cathy, donna