Seeing that you actually do have the urge to cry maybe you should cry and let out your frustration instead

Best posts made by Mevern
RE: Why do i feel a strong urge to cry every night
RE: What do you think happens if you stay single for too long? :)
I haven't dated anyone yet but what i can say is that you start craving human touch and as a youngster if you leave the craving go it'll become really bad for you ( from experience ) , you start wishing you could could hands and kiss with other people but if you had the chance you wouldn't do it bc you really just don't know and it is a new feeling . You start noticing other couples more and then start thinking why nobody loves you and why you're all alone . But this is just how it is for me
lonely tho -
RE: Clothes Or No Clothes?
There must have been a time where we didn't have clothes -
RE: school = big gay
But here's the thing after conquering the things normal adults do ( taxes , bills , mortgages ) it basically means that you can learn for your self well obviously you're not gonna be walking down the street and come up with the quadratic formula and anyway even if we did learn stuff like that we would still have issues with our everyday lives
RE: If life is so short, why do we do so many things we dont like and like so many things we don't do?
Maybe it's because we take our life for granted , we know that it's short but if people started thinking like that it would cause mental issues and anyways we know it at the back of our minds and keep thinking ' yeah , i'll do it tomorrow'
RE: When will the people cross the boundaries of gender , age, religion, nationality and be human. Just like me. If it rings a bell I
All this stuff wasn't widely accepted til present day now ( somethings were ) but i don't think that we're all just gonna be human one day maybe it's the fact that there's so many of us and we want to name our selves instead of being in one massive group where every person judges you . We have different genders and things only because it makes us comfortable , it makes you feel special sort of . In my opinion all this is just part of being human at least we aren't seperating our selves because of stupid things . Gender is serious it's like there are different types of white blood cells with their unique purpose that's like us humans
If anyone feels like talking
So i'm here to free my boredom , i'm a complete loner so i'm looking for peope to talk to and honestly if you have any interest in anime or manga ( Japan-wise) then Dm me- it's so boring only knowing one girl but already has her group
Outsider to the circle
Just wanted someone to listen to me ...
In primary school I had 5 friends out them only one was my best friend . I didn’t hang out with them because they had clubs and stuff that I weren’t in ( I remember hiding behind bushes thinking I’m playing hide and seek and stand in the playground humming to myself ) they still invited me to their parties so I thought we were all good friends .
2 out of the group went with me into secondary school . I hung out with the one I called my best friend but not the other one . We were in some classes together and I loved talking to her but as soon as we left class she would walk off to her group . So I decided to stick with my best friend and made 2 other friends . Gradually my circle of 3 became big but even though I hung out with the group I didn’t talk to anyone . My best friend called out to me so I just stuck to the edge of the circle ( I tried talking but they all had the same interests and knew what was going on in each other lives they knew gossip but I didn’t , I didn’t really have anything to talk about except the books I read ) . It stayed like this but sometimes at lunch or break I find myself hanging out on my own because the group moved somewhere else without telling me . Now in year 10 I’ve made more friends they wait for me after class and walk with me unlike the group who walked ahead or separated ( I didn’t know which person to follow so I took my own path ) . I talk a lot more with my new friends and now I’m thinking that the people I called my friends aren’t my friends . My best friend doesn’t group with me in class nor talks with me , I make comments and try to make small talk but it doesn’t last
Are they really my friends ?
RE: If anyone feels like talking
@Manuelced honestly I love reading any manga that’s good my favourite would be Yaoi but I like reading and watching stuff like No game no life , death note , black Butler , AOT and Tokyo ghoul . I love all this stuff in general so really anything
Anime to watch~~~~
Give me something new to watch - but no ongoing series like Goblin Slayer or Tokyo Ghoul
RE: Outsider to the circle
@cjko honestly In general I don’t like being around a lot of people and there are only some that I open up to
RE: Would you love Santa _more_ or _less_ if his beard was the gateway to an endless white void?
well even if we were scared , what are the chances of actually seeing him