@Katherine-k Mhm,I have no idea........

Posts made by Max256
RE: For Those trying to follow me
ah ,its because you deleted your account once and those who were following you before can't unfollow you now too
RE: Happy birthday to Vladimir Putin
Anyhow I too wish him a him happy birthday(I know its late still yeah)
RE: Happy birthday to Vladimir Putin
@RexGreeley wow,what part isn't true?
everything you were saying till now.smh -
RE: I need my Best Friend
@Katherine-k I don't know ,I guess you should talk to him and fix things .I hope things well get better for you.😇
RE: Is 1/0 0 or infinity or whattt?-
My answer may or may not be correct as I am very limited on knowledge;I have to say that with what I understood that,infinity means there are uncountable numbers of zeros in it.😅
RE: Happy birthday Bashar Al Assad!
@IVAN-V-SINČIĆ I am sorry,I don't know him,but I trust you so happy birthday.🎉
RE: How to approach people on TWS so that they instantly dont assume the worst.
@Alireza-iran I wish,I could help but I don't usually dm anybody,and you should go to public chat,you can meet a lot of people there.I met many😊 and I think you can make friends from topics by posting replies and you may get a good friend,hope it helps.😇
RE: If you could be a mythical creature, which would you choose?
@Bees an elvish necromancer😅,ahhh or A custom beast function would really be appreciated.🤔like A hybrid one,I guess.😅
RE: Describe yourself in two words
@Bees I guess,I am unbeilevably stupid.😅
RE: d31373d-d31373d
@kitt Hmm,I must say the answer is quite simple ,we can't decide an answer.{Now that I think again,we can decide an answer but that is really like ,men seems a bit more better in the aspects you have mentioned because of how our society bombards them with too much expectation,that is ;A parent comes to kid(male)and says son,When you grow up you should become good,strong responsible.............. Man.like this so in the kids mind their parents are expecting something from them so they narurally tend to fulfill their expectations,but if it was a another kid(female) she would have perfomed equally if her parents were like the parents of the first kid,but sadly in most households girl childs are given same expectation and care as boys so I guess.this can count as an answer.
My own opinion,based on how I am living right now;I have to say in my home my sister receives much more care than I receive and she is better than me in everything you can think about[expect her character towards me].😅so if somebody asks me is a man or women better I guess truthfully I have to say a women.😅
@Rajeev2021 I guess what you told is best answer but I have to say our point of veiw differs quite a bit.🙁
RE: d31373d-d31373d
@sarah_the_magpie This.....seems as quite good answer.🙂
RE: Wow.. Green also feels fabulous.
Sorry,but whats this topic supposed to mean?
RE: Ask Amy (advice on anything troubling you)
@amy-elliot And she hates me now.😭
RE: Ask Amy (advice on anything troubling you)
@amy-elliot Then pls edit it.😞
RE: Ask Amy (advice on anything troubling you)
@amy-elliot can you pls delete the messages of what I talked with you?