like honestly fr

Best posts made by Maple Syrup _1
what r ur thoughts of this site all u decent people
how hasn't this site been blocked
plz i just want non pedo guy frinds from 14-17
please help me with my dilemma
RE: plz i just want non pedo guy frinds from 14-17
you must not be a pedo and being weird
RE: plz i just want non pedo guy frinds from 14-17
@arnav heck to the nooooooooooooooooooooooooo
im 13 -
RE: plz i just want non pedo guy frinds from 14-17
@Alisa-Sulima plz be holy
our society needs help...
u guys are so fudged up...if u really wanna do say innapropriate things then seriously go on tinder or somethn
RE: SO BORED! Talk?😁😋
@idek2019 they doesnt need to....
i such a fucked up jelous persom -
RE: our society needs help...
@Hunter17 if ur horny then go on dirty tinder dammit
dont hit on someone that isnt tryna get hit on