Most of the time when you go to propose a girl or make frnds no matter where on social media or directly... attitude is always an unexpected member of that situation. Most of the times its on the girls side and manier times boys too ,but lets just talk about the one on the side of girls.
It sucks when a girl tries to act like she didn't notice you approaching her while she actually DID,y can't they simply give a peck of smile and see him approach it'll simply increase our confidence, But no there an asshole btw us @ATTITUDE. this guy always ruins every beautiful proposal rehearsed by the boy and u know what makes the situation more worse @Friends (the one tn the girls side) y can't they fookin enjoy the situation But NO....the wanna remind the girl to be in attitude or poke their @ass in the conversation hardly managed by the boy and say something lame that would ruin the situation and leave the guy idea less. So let me teach you
HOW TO GET PROPOSED (If you will to,or else stick to ur attitude you all look ...OK... in it😉)
Look at the guy and smile a bit .
Don't try to act like you didn't notice him.
Try to aside ur friends and allow that fella some comfort.
Enjoy the proposal.
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