would you chat in a messenger if a guy said he was playing with his cock as you both chatted ???

Controversial posts made by Luv2Lik
Would you chat with a guy playing with his dick ??
RE: "people who have good hearts will always end up losing because we always give more than what we receive, we always forgive, and we accept the love we get when we know we deserve better"
what a load of rubbish ... youre just screaming ... I'm happy to be a victim, come and have a go .... wake up ffs, learn to be assertive, sidestep needy people, build a life from your skills and talents, and make demands on life, do not accept half measures and compromises -
RE: What if u die virgin......lol
you'll be popular in islam paradise .... :D -
RE: HI, Im a MUSLIM ... ask me ANYTHING.
ever heard of punctuation ..... :grinning: -
RE: Ramadan is coming!!!!!Ramadan Mubarak!!!!.....if u have any muslims friends, dont forget to greet them
I know what Ramadan is, I've seen it in action in parts of asia and africa, and it's insane. Check out the temp in say, india or pakistan or somalia, now, and imagine what it must be like working in that heat while hungry and thirsty for a whole month. It's crazy. I saw people faint whilst working, and heard onlookers say dont give him any water .... how better off the world could be without the brainwashing of religion and the nasty misguided deluded controllers. -
RE: HI, Im a MUSLIM ... ask me ANYTHING.
Why do you accept that story of a man goes into a cave and an angel speaks to him with a message from "god" ?
It's as ridiculous as the christianity nativity story and the crucifixion story.
I am sure you are a lovely person, but islam is not lovely. In fact, its a sick controlling cult. Islam teaches that everyone on the planet must convert to islam, that the whole planet belongs to this imaginary god-thing they call allah. It teaches that women are worth less than men and that men own females. It brainwashes people, encourages violence, and says lying is ok.
I propose that islam was dreamt up by clerics in the tree and moon worshipping cult back in the 600s because they needed to create a group to stand up to the christians, jews, and zoroastrians, who controlled the camel trading routes back then, and they needed a story as daft as the christian story which couldnt be proven or disproven. After this story was in principle rejected, violence was introduced and encourage which included instructions that anyone who dissented could be killed, and that females could be enslaved and bought and sold. Is it any wonder it became popular, men had full control.
So, I am asking, why do you believe a man went into a cave and an imaginary thing called an angel spoke to him with a message from an imaginary god-thing. ? -
RE: Shilpa a girl from Delhi please message me we chat last night
Delhi .... whatashitole
the joke is the brainless fool who made the posting
RE: if you mistakenly slap your friend and he/she vomits $100 billion... how many slaps in total will you give him/her?
sommat wrong with you - why ask such a stupid question -
Missing my favourite pursuit
I am an old man now and no one wants an old man to lick clit. It's very sad.
RE: Pune 38 yrs old matured male seeking female friend for discreet friendship
Ohhh, any chance of a bottle or two of Honeybee please ....
RE: I am so ugly even prostitutes reject me. What do I do?
use the money to get a counsellor
RE: I need help in meeting this Thai woman in person.
FIRST Tip - Dont Believe a word she says ... or at least dont accept it as 100% face value.
I've had two long term online chat relationships with thai ladies and both eventually revealed themselves as liars.
And think about WHO is making money out of this romance tour.
To MOST thai people you are rich. You can aford to be "taken" for a few $$$s, or for gaining a visa. And to get an asian lady into UK can now take 5 yrs, which includes evidence of alllllll your personal meetings, airplane tickets, passport stamps, and goodness knows what else .....
Very Good dee mak mak
I understand phom kow jai krab .
I dont UNDERSTAND phom mai kow jai krab
you are very beautiful suoy mak mak krab
RE: Pune 38 yrs old matured male seeking female friend for discreet friendship
when you find her, tell her, please, to tell her mum, that I'm looking too .... :D -
RE: What is the Hack to Make Good Relation with Girls
be gay ... girls camt resist gay guys
RE: Should terrorists be given the death penalty?
call me - I'll maim them so badly they never harm anyone again, and theyd slowly starve to death or be eaten by wild animals
RE: Why am I so worthless?
Look up this guy Victor Frankl
and read some of his stuff .....
he was a survivor of the holocaust
and learnt something about worth and value ....whatever youre feeling has been planted there by the words and actions of others -
you just need to discover your skills and talents and go and share them with decent people -
RE: Just a little bit of tradition from England to you guys
did you have to ????? fgs
oooooh, the shame