nobody is ugly
and keep away from prostitutes
you are unique and havent realised yet
one day, someone will surprise you by finding you very attractive
keep faith in that
I promise you that it is true

Posts made by Luv2Lik
RE: I am so ugly even prostitutes reject me. What do I do?
RE: I am so ugly even prostitutes reject me. What do I do?
use the money to get a counsellor
RE: Random Thought's of a Depraved Peanut
cant imagine eating a cooked carrot - raw veggies is part of my daily diet ....
reminds me of when I was shelling peas and eating some and a young man asked are they alright to eat raw, so I gave him a pod to try ... my god, he nearly puked ..... -
RE: Should terrorists be given the death penalty?
call me - I'll maim them so badly they never harm anyone again, and theyd slowly starve to death or be eaten by wild animals
the joke is the brainless fool who made the posting
RE: I think I’m depressed?
depression is mostly anger ... find a way to use that anger ... like twist up a towel and smash hell outa your bed ... or join some physical activity that exhausts you ... youll see how it will change you
RE: Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.
and that can be sooo dangerous it results in death
RE: It is possible to fail in many ways...while to succeed is possible only in one way.
I succeeded in failing many times - does that count
RE: What is the Hack to Make Good Relation with Girls
be gay ... girls camt resist gay guys
RE: Looking for a guy from india.
maybe he's playing cricket in england at the moment
RE: dumbest thing you've done
Dumbeset thing I ever did was swimming so fast I went right thru that egg wall
RE: dumbest thing you've done
thats a worrisome face ... dont wanna be looking at that -
RE: What is your imagination about god?
How do you know there are many gods ???
Why would a god have a name ??
the Bible is a load of stories, tales, fables, imaginings ... aka BS
as are most scriptures ....
I like the way Jehovah allows creatures to be ripped apart as they are eaten ... nice
get it into your silly head .... NOBODY HAS A N Y IDEA WHAT CAUSED THIS PLANET TO EXIST -
RE: What are the worst and best thing of being a female ? :D
a good forum question ....
things Ive noticed are that female children seemed to get more attention, they get pampered by men in the family, get to sit on uncles knee, they get pretty clothes, they tend to have a lot more friends, then as they get a little older the females of the family take an interest in them, they take them out for the day and love to spoil them, and the little girls get to practise being an adult ...
females mature earlier than boys and love to make boys feel inferior, they grow breasts and learn that boys cant keep their eyes off of them, but on the downside girls have to wear a bra (that must be maddening to have that on everyday), and then the grils enter into the world of comparison where they are checked over for their beauty, body size, how they walk, how they dress, how shaggable they are, and they have to choose their friends very carefully, because with friends come labels, and they can stick for a looooong time.....
females are sought for exploitation, to be groomed into lives that are not very nice, sometimes killed, even by families, forced by guilt and cohercion to marry and have to give up their virginity with no love shared, and saddled with kids they never wanted, and they can have social movements restrictioned by religion and culture, be trapped in loveless abusive marriages or partnerships, or exploited for being especially beautiful and talented ....
OK, I'm going to shut up now .... in the main, females are amazing, but if you get a bad one, youre doomed .... doooomed I tell you .... get out as fast as you can :runner: :runner: :runner:
RE: Why Are You Here?
hoping to put something into someone elses life -
RE: Why am I so worthless?
Look up this guy Victor Frankl
and read some of his stuff .....
he was a survivor of the holocaust
and learnt something about worth and value ....whatever youre feeling has been planted there by the words and actions of others -
you just need to discover your skills and talents and go and share them with decent people -
RE: I really like this girl...
Yep, how else is she going to know .....
tell her you dont want to risk your friendship cos thats really valuable to you,
But, is there any chance she can think of you as closer than a friend...
go from there ...
and dont let her see your knees knocking .... hehehehe
go for it .... she'll probably be flattered