20 minutes early. Scope out the place, access the situation, plan several escape routes.

Best posts made by KittenfromHell
RE: Would you rather always be 10 minutes late or always be 20 minutes early?
RE: What would you do if Se x was banned?
Still have sex. Lots of stuff is banned for foolish reasons
RE: Why does it take women so long in the shower
We have more stuff to shave
RE: When boys make fun of girls they don't accept it wat u think guys..??
I think as sentences go, this one is desperately lacking
RE: how to last longer in bed?
Turn your alarm clock off
Invisible. Flying is like riding a motorcycle. You end up eating a lot of bugs
RE: Should people be allowed to Obscure their identities online?
Depends on what they're doing online.
RE: Near death experience? ?
@madirish first time I was 6. At the beach, rip tide pulled me out and I drown. Only thing that saved me was I was with my friend and her dad, a firefighter. He knew cpr before it became common for the public to know it. Second time I was 18 and on an operating table. My heart stopped and they couldn't get it going again. They called it and suddenly my heart started again, (I'm a bit contrary). Last time I was 37 and a blood vessel in my head burst. That time I told them I was going to go. Took them almost 15 minutes to convince me to come back. Got 6 more lives left
RE: Reality guys think on it and tell me its right or wrong..??
You just have to learn enough of each to function in the real world.
RE: i enjoy making people fall in love with me but i don't like staying in love
that kinda makes you an asshole then, doesn't it
RE: Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?
He used to live at my house. His name was Jerry