@AlizaJalebiiiiii excited for 2019
Best posts made by Kakashi
RE: I bet most of you are to young, but for those with OCD !
@shaun-durwin this is barely ocd lol, i cant handle sharp corners XD
@AlizaJalebiiiiii now that i actually think about it, its a/an ******************************
(what are you looking at? it's supposed to be a surprise, right?) :joy::joy: -
RE: I bet most of you are to young, but for those with OCD !
@alizajalebiiiiii i guess its more of a preference, i use my left hand to cut and use the fork in my right... same goes with the spoon :)
RE: Hey TWS Peepz, lets discuss!
@SoFa_king_Cody 'Tis not a problem for the ones who know the Art of Persuasion :smirk::smirk:
RE: Tell tell???? 🤔🤔
@ansi okay, just tell me if I'm right or wrong. Don't worry about that long-ass derivation duh :unamused::unamused:
RE: Tell tell???? 🤔🤔
@ansi okay, should i add those things the boy has with him?
RE: This post was deleted
You say,
i expected myself to atleast be sad for a little longer, or maybe start missing him after I start thinking straight. But no, the emotions just vanished (😱😱😱).
This is exactly how i felt when I lost my dog to the hands of death, but I think some people call this as being emotionally numb (I don't know if this is a good or a bad thing), but that doesn't mean the love I had for my dog (and you for him) is fake. That's all I know about it. Honestly, I feel the concept of emotions are pretty strange and unpredictable to me, because feelings are illogical. But that doesn't mean they're here for nothing, and we have emotions to figure out things that we can't do with logic,
Peace! :))
P.S: Does anyone know why this sudden vanishing has occurred?
RE: O Humanity, Imma test you
@obviouslylucifer I thought something along the same lines as you, but I think we can never be creators, and that we're just a tool to create things.. We're a part of nature, so that means they belong to nature as well..
RE: 2 mil. Facts that will blow your d1ck off
@JessicaGrant dolan dark's vids >>>>>>>>>>>>>> youtube rewind
RE: Tell me more about you.. YES U!
@Bela-Hella Depends, on who I'm with xD
RE: Just a normal brain teaser.... Tell tell 🤔🤔
@ansi look at this:
Edit: or bird :unamused: -
RE: Tell me more about you.. YES U!
@Bela-Hella yep, i don't talk much, but when i do, i don't stop that easily lol
RE: Just a normal brain teaser.... Tell tell 🤔🤔
@shaun-durwin ughhh i hate waiting for people lol