The odd smell I totally dig is the smell created by welding, fuck knows what's wrong with me but I like it, I like it a lot

Best posts made by insane inside
RE: What is your favorite smell?
RE: Religion, this one is weird.
@jaeh freemasons are just a boys club
witch craft is only practiced in bad ways really in Africa and illuminati probably doesn't exist like we Imagine so I wouldn't stress -
RE: reincarnation.....!
@mocker I believe vin the tooth fairy and lock Ness monster
Lets see who's right -
Ok freaks n peeps post what you concider to be the greatest music videos of all time, the clips that amazed you and left you saying, fuck that was the shit!
- Korn freak on a leash. This came out in 99, a year before the 1st matrix movie at at the time was the most kick ass CGI used, the video cost almost a million to make, I think it was worth it .
- Prodigy snake my bitch up. Damn what a kick ass ending, I failed to even think it was a possibility even though all the clues are there (hope link works 18+) - Michael Jackson Thriller, choreography speaks for it self, often regarded at the best video ever made
Bonus green jello 3 little pigs, shits just cool, personal favourite from my youth, added cause I made the thread so 😝
Ok people enjoy the fuck out of then, got some, metal, dance, pop and rock but all kick ass video clips
Your turn guys, what's missing? What obvious glaring omissions are there? Post em in and impress everyone with some truly cool shit
- Korn freak on a leash. This came out in 99, a year before the 1st matrix movie at at the time was the most kick ass CGI used, the video cost almost a million to make, I think it was worth it .
RE: How to make topics worth reading and sharing on TWS?
Just incase there is any doubt with what I post here, I promise it has 0 to do with trying to increase reputation or gaining popularity, the 2nd of which is probably obvious.
I post because of interest. Input, experience, some occasional self entertainment and some boredom, (and I think everyone should be subjected to the music I enjoy as often as possible) I might try to slow it down somewhat thoughOh and I never use voice recognition on my phone, I don't want it telling Google everything I do (what sort of paranoid freak would I be if I didn't worry about that!)
RE: Interrogation Scene
Nope, regular deadlocks.
Standard BS3621 won't keep the bikies from running through ya house if they want and windows are an obvious entry point, same with tiled roofs.
Locks only keep the honest people out. -
RE: Do you guys miss anyone here?☹️
I'm still new, so no, but I'm sure several ppl wish they could be missing me already 😆
Didn't see one so, worst song EVER
You know that damn song, everyone except you in the world fucking loves? Yeah that one.
So inb4 achy breaky heart and crazy frog song
Fuck you allAnd one for the Australians
Wankers -
Are women lazy or ....
Do they think were just wankers?
The internet as we know is loaded with girls selling pics for cash.
Fuck you lazy sluts, you want the cash, you fucking pull it cunt
/rantMods if need move this to any other place you see fit
RE: Do you guys miss anyone here?☹️
@Indrid-Cold I love that Groucho quote, it's brilliant. Movies were pretty good too I must admit, my Olds made me watch em all
RE: Do You Listen to Music for the Lyrics or the Tune?
@Lurker I'll seek em out tomorrow, currently got Korn's 13th album on (yay for leaks) then I'll plays tools disk then it's rage time but I will check them, thanks
Also I don't get difference between rap n hip-hop but I'm not one of thoese ppl who sub classifys every band till each band has its own unique style.But maybe you can help me with 1 thing, how the hell is RNB rythem n blues? In the 60s RNB was a style now seems everything fits the bill. It's got me fucked what makes RNB RNB lol
RE: Is climate change real or is there a government conspiracy that’s making it up to distract us from the real problems
I believe climate change is mostly natural, we are still coming out of the end of an ice age. Sure some of our constant crap adds but it's still less than volcanoes do each year according to a few reports I seen. So climate change is happening, this is a fact, what percentage we play and the long term effect it will have is debatable
RE: Why do you love the people you love?
Kids are my kids
My nan is epic
The rest of you are disposable and only alive cause I chose to exist allowing you to -
RE: How should I comfort my girl when she's sad?
When she needs it, give her a hug
When she want it, give her your ear
When she talk crazy, give her perspective
When she's unreasonable, give her space
Probably not my strong point, interpersonal relations is an area I admit I'm poor at but that should do -
@Scottish oh yeah that's true but I was thinking irl more.
Im old so I think if you can get offended by some random person off the net that you have never and never will meet maybe the internet isn't for you.
But I didn't take count of ppls damn social media obsession
RE: you can be yourself, but only to a certain extent.. "welcome to society"
Outside is society, waiting for me!
Outside of society, it's where I wanna be!
(Lyrics : rock n roll nigger) -
RE: Anyone just become obsessed with a music group after one song?
I was a guns n roses fan and NWA was also high rotation, then a mate gave me a video taped off tv full of rock,so gunners, Ozzy, zeplin, ACDC,all the standards, then half way through it it happened.
that intro, those words, that RIFF, 15yo me was hooked (it still rocks)(sadly the obsession only lasted 24yrs)
Guns n roses leaks
Get em while the gettings good
(Details in the other GNR thread)
Bonus lol, unrelated just killer version
RE: Kik username sites
All sites on the internet are the same when it comes to chat and things
If male: scammers
If female: dick picsThat's about all, enjoy