@flAsh You lurk in the pubchat!! 👀 🥺
You're the black sheep of the mod family! 🥺🥺

Best posts made by GreyWind
RE: Roast Me. 🥺🥺🥺
What helps in building better Relations?
What role does Predictability play in building and maintaining relations?
RE: You Once again!?!
@Scottish Novels?!! These words "@ClaireSheppard" and 'Novels' seem like a treat to me! 😃
@χανιєя Glad you liked it. He's my favourite contemporary pianist, the other being Yiruma.
I'm open to more suggestions ^-^ :) -
RE: What helps in building better Relations?
@GreyWind @NewtTrouble With time, people in a mature relation get accustomed to each other. And they might be rather content with it. But, I believe that the issue becomes a problems when monotony arises and someone starts seeking a change. And It aggravates when there is a refusal to that change and the subsequent differences in expectations from the relation. When those people aren't willing to make efforts together, things might get nasty.
Upon breaking it down, I see that it's the much dreaded monotony and the aversion/unwillingness to change that spoil the relations. -
RE: not being cared for , hell on it's edge.
@tansh This feeling can make you feel empty and exhausted. Don't get into this rut. Not feeling appreciated? Try expressing your emotions and feelings to those who matter to you. Be descriptive and try not to sound accusatory while conveying them.
Take solace in the fact that you're the one who took the initiative and made those efforts to lighten up others' lives. And this makes you all the more important. Take care of yourself. You'll be able to sustain helping others only when you yourself are well.
RE: Happy Birthday Mia
@Mia-x Happy Birthday! Wishing you luck, happiness, success and all the good things you desire. 🎂🎉🎁
@χανιєя lol, Sure. That'd be great! 😄😃
RE: What helps in building better Relations?
@Mickeyyyyy Faith and trust are the pillars of any longstanding relation. I am willing to discuss more on how to build those pillars strong. :)
RE: Guys Carrying a Conversation
I have often felt that during that many interactions with a lot of guys and girls over the random chats. I have tried these random chat sites a lot, in the very recent past. And there have been moments where I would stumble upon a person who is ready for a decent convo. But in almost all the cases, the other one would simply assume that I'm the sole provider of all the topics and the kicks for the conversation, and they're like the consumers who are trying and checking the product that I'm selling. That's a first hand experience in conversational consumerism! Hardly a surprise that consumerism can be so pervasive.
It's so common to see a chat getting stuck up. And if there isn't much effort from the other end, yes, that eventually dampens the initial high spirits and enthusiasm. Just like a sucker punch in the face when you're trying to serve it all on a platter.
It becomes so repulsive to see something start with "M or F" or "asl". Personally, it's a big turn off for me, right there and then at the beginning of a big "could have been". I expect to have a more worthwhile conversation than just divulging details about myself. And even if did, they won't have anything else to talk about except for a quick high of dopamine.
While it may be true for many, I don't think it's applies to even most of the girls that they look for guys who're thirsty enough to give them all in a conversation. I've talked with several girls who like to put in the effort to have convos and are eyeing to improve their convo skills.
Of course you can metaphor a ball game with a convo. Rallies are always fun and interesting especially for the person who is actively involved.PS:@JustAnotherDude I find that "end rant" post script quirky. lol
RE: Movie recommendation
@F-A-L-L-E-N lol it's alright. DMs are set to private by default. Chats are possible only if that person follows you or when there already exists a chatroom which has both of you.
RE: Addiction and Habit
@Xavier lol, You've got all the time to think upon it!!
And I know you have a good mind for it.
Use it...… it won't hurt :D -
RE: Need a Tws... Daddy, Mommy, Sis, Bro Lol
@ドラゴンレイロウKina The way I see, it's not long before we need something like this :|
RE: Movie recommendation
Congrats!! @bella_bella this discussion thread is gonna be top trending on TWS for the week 😄
RE: Is there a reason to live?
@Ticci-Toby It's upto you to find your purpose in life. That's one of the things about life itself.