Asia's area is bigger than Uranu's
Best posts made by davitchen
RE: Someone tell me a random fact about anything
RE: What's the recquired quantity of something to become a mount?
@lucifer_ So, considering the Einstein's theory of relativity if we put clothes all together the bigger the mount is, the slower the earth spins. And, if the clothes mount exceeds the mass of the earth, the earth will start to orbit the pile of enless clothes.
RE: Someone tell me a random fact about anything
@sarah I only have two friends, that's why I'm so into strangers ahaha
But thanks, that's kind of you -
RE: What are your thoughts on Marriage Equality ?
I used to be against the marriage of two people of the same sex. But I've been realising how it hurts not to be able to do something just because society won't allow you, It's cruel not be able to get together with the people we truthly like.
The problems emerge since the very beggining, either as the acceptence of being different (or not that different).as the acceptence from the part of the society, to host a condemnablee topic that has been tabu since many years ago.
There are other possible problems related to marriage equality, but these are less evident: Imagine there's a couple of two guys and they decide to adopt a child. How will the child react when realises the others kids have both a mother and a father instead of two fathers? That's an eventuallity.
What will happen to Mankind if we keep on taking uncountless pills to cure diseases?
Some time ago I read an article which concluded that by 2020 the rate of diseases would probably raise on the most-developed countries due to an excessive pills recurrence.
To understand this we have to take a closer look to the living organisms that constitute the illnesses and how they react to a constant threat, as a comunity.
Once you take a dressing to fight the flu (for example), you are killing most of the disease, but if there's an interruption, only the most resistant bacteria will survive.
As soon as that surviving bacteria remains, it will start to reproduce very quick in your affected area.
And here starts the danger: the very next generations of bacteria will be exactly equal to its progenitor. And no matter what the quantity of (medical) drugs you'll take this resistant generation will keep reproducing untill endangering your whole body trought an infection - This will happen if you don't change the medicine for your disease.
This expains why people have different reactions in some medicament. Also explains why a lot of medicament have no longer effect on some people.Anyway, this is a vicious cycle and the more this cycle is repeated, the fewer options we'll have to fight this invisible danger.
What do you think, will doctors will find a way to win?
RE: What are your thoughts on Marriage Equality ?
@one Nature is the measure to man's wishes. That can not be denied.
RE: What will happen to Mankind if we keep on taking uncountless pills to cure diseases?
@lucifer_ I agree with that, the wrong diagnosis is going go create response problems on the organism.
Any Wattpad lover around?
Is there anyone who has Wattpad?
If so, tell me wherever you want! I'm @UnlikelyMeI'm into reading anything :p
Chinese facial recognition, not funny
Did you know that China will acquire a facial recognition database for all its inhabitants, including foreign residents? When I read the "News in South China Morning Post", a tear came to my eye. But it was not a bad tear, it was a tear of sadness. And why sadness? Because of the tremendous uselessness of the system, let me explain.
As everyone knows, the Chinese are (almost) all physically similar: short, straight and shiny hair, beardles, with slanted eyes and always with a little smile on the face (attractive feature on the girls, not gonna lie). Previously, making use of the bracketed almost was to, somehow, not exclude everyone living in China who ... are not Chinese! So I evoke the Japanese, the Latins, the northern Europeans and as far as your imagination allows.
In this way, it is obvious that the accuracy rate of this equipment is nearly ninety percent, since the algorithm incorporated in this system can identify a large number of facial expressions. However, in this country only recognizes one possible face, the Chinese. As you can see, and if you're good at mathematics, the other ten percent (100-90) are Japanese, the Latins, Northern European, and again, as far as you can imagine.
On the one hand, if you are a resident of China, you look Chinese, and if for fun you remember to rob a restaurant, or hit an airport guard also equipped with this system, you and the others about 1,260 million of inhabitants will also be held accountable for your act.
On the other hand, if you are part of the other 140 million who do not have Chinese characteristics, it is here that the utility of facial recognition gains some expression. It will be very easy to for you to be identified by this system and, in a matter of seconds you can be located individually. By your distinctive nose, your skin color, your careless beard or the eye patch you wear on the right eye.
That being said, the reason why the Chinese people are a hard-working, law-abiding people is justified. Otherwise it was enough for one, just an inhabitant to flee to the treasury or divert money, to (almost) all the natives of China, to pay a fine, otherwise they would see themselves in prison.
In conclusion, it was a shame that the government invested so many millions in this technology that promised to be the solution for the particular identification of the Chinese citizen and, in the end, it turns out to be useless in this territory. It seems that the test phase took place in another country in the world where everyone was different from each other, but applying it in Chinese establishments was a big lapse.
RE: what are your plans for this Christmas 2018?
You remember me? You better do. Because I was one of the frist guys you talked to in this plataform. As soon as it was released.
RE: How would you define life
@alwaysstranger Do you really give yourself the work to be that explicit? Oh man...
RE: Are men failing? Why?
@petrapark3r Yeah, experience told me not to try to understand everything... Not only it is impossible, but also because women don't like to be told what to feel, or how to feel (actually no one likes that). Good point
RE: what does it mean to love 2 people at once???
Loving two people at the same time means you're needy and/or confused about the person you are or what you seek for. You may like those two people because both have something you identify to or seek into your life.
What was the last book you read?
Hey TWS users, I'm interested in knowing what was the last book you read and what have you learn from it.
RE: what's the soundtrack of your life?
@luna-14 I tought no one listened to EDEN. Great.
RE: What was the last book you read?
@pe7erpark3r Well, just by reading a book, regardless the topic, you can always master other languages ahahah. It was so obvious I didn't come up with it!
RE: What is your favourite music genre?
The 80's, alternative rock and metal
RE: What do you guys think about dating apps?
I have tried Tinder, but I don't match anyone nearby my zone and the people that mark me as 'interested' are not available to see, I have to pay for it. Once I figured this out, my face has turned to be the same as my picture right now. In conclusion, I dislike the mentioned dating app.
RE: How should we approach you girls here without bring creepy?
I'm not a girl but I know it works to engage with her by gently touching her shoulder to see her reaction and saying something nice. Don't over touch her and don't say anything that gives her the impression you've been thinking too hard. Be simple and don't start a conversation by pointing out something negative of any topic.
RE: Whats your favorite show ever (current or past)
@Matt_Aranha I've never seen Doctor Who, but it seems people talk about it a lot.
Also, Orphan black biology facts' are very accurate from what I know, which makes it a good show :)