According to RUMI If love is realization of two beings as single entity, doesn't the romance mean as narcissistic behavior?

Best posts made by Caffine
Rumi - Dialogue on love
Taking it all light
Most of the frustrations are because you take it too serious of what God made just for fun.
RE: What was your weirdest dream..??
@Hero_Hunter also have dreamt as being followed by old women or a person out of mental asylum. A few times I was floating in air in dreams
I love to know new people. If you feel same kindly ping
Reality balancing
It doesn't matter was it the reality or the dream that killed you. What matters is both served a living.
RE: Reality balancing
@alien_official you aren't alien you are just dead
RE: What was your weirdest dream..??
@OliveOlivia such dreams mean that you've something to say or express but being suppressed by various obligations. Being naked is the depiction our minds assuming to flaunt our true self.
I'm typing this during such condition
Ever tried to speak with clogged throat while about to burst into tears?
RE: What was your weirdest dream..??
@petrapark3r haha I know how does such disappointment feel
Power of Conversation
A lot of mental asylums would be empty if people weren't left alone with their suicidal thoughts.. When people are heard they heal themselves ❤
Let's talk let's talk
Hey there beautiful people! I'm looking for new friendship
Lets speak out of hearts ❤ -
Bugging advertisements
'Goal setting in the Western world is broken '! Am I the only who hate this guy?
Help each other grow
Hello if anybody feeling lonely and feels noboby around matured enough to listen, ping me. I'm also at the similar frequency right now. We could be online friends. Tc