@tehkotak oh my god it is awesome!! I never heard anything like this before!! I'll search for more videos like this. Thank you soooo much!
Best posts made by Blue_Nebula
RE: 8D song, blessed your ears :D
RE: Whose your Top 3 favourite people on TalkWithStranger?
@anticute that's sweet zubair, thankyou :)
RE: Happy Birthday to my First Friend. ❤️❤️❤️ Happy 17'th Year Vrinda.
@azriel Thank you so much Belle!
RE: Are you listening??
@ragnar Bruh, i just loved it! You have excellent writing skills! Keep it up :)
RE: What is your height ??
@tehkotak glad you liked it!!
RE: Happy Birthday to my First Friend. ❤️❤️❤️ Happy 17'th Year Vrinda.
@rendezvous Thank you so Much Ren!! 😊😊😊
RE: Would You Rather: Sing or Dance?
@liffys I'd love to sing for my entire life!!! It's my favourite hobby and also, i like my voice tbh xD
RE: What is your height ??
@jynextremist before wearing heels, idiot-_-
@white-pegasus Aww priya! That is so sweet of ya! Thank you so much!
RE: Is it possible?
@lucifer_ Eh, Zoob and you are MY BEST FRIENDS!! Not gonna share you guys with anyone else!! Nuh-uh!! Not even with my brother!
RE: Naming Names In talk with strangers
@sunshinef I am blackrose, Sunshine!
RE: Is it possible?
@ragnar bish think twice before challenging a karate brown belt!! And i am not even lying! You can ask @jynextremist if you wanna confirm!
RE: You can choose only one🤔😎
@lukas23 I'll choose the blue one. Time Travel.
RE: What makes you hide your identity here in TWS?
@cjko My identity is known to most of my friends.
RE: Morning Person or Night Owl?
@its-bobby I am a night owl too! High five!
RE: Give at least 3 foods that you dislike and why..
@cjko Haha, no, not even worms xD
RE: What habit that you think was cool when your young but isnt cool now??
@bela said in What habit that you think was cool when your young but isnt cool now??:
When I was a little until college I had this habit of nail biting. Nail biting anytime, everywhere is a pleasure for me.. I can't even let a day pass by without it ,not just that I also tried reaching my toenails haha..I also hate nailcutter as I know I dont need it all..
It was too late before I realize it wasnt cool now fingernails are the worst part of me..Share yours
Lmao I have this nail biting habit too!!