@cjko I agree with the criminal majority regarding the laws for juvenile offenders, who need to have their offenses corrected before society, especially in those more drastic crimes where they should be tried as adults. It is up to the families to offer an education of limits and only to reward the good behaviors and to remind them that the study and tasks of the house are obligations and not options.
Best posts made by Berin
RE: Our president vetoed bill prohibiting corporal punishment on children.. any contradiction and comment for this?
RE: Your ex sent you a text "Baby, I'm in Jail'' reply with just 3 words :D
@cjko or say: "start digging a tunnel" (just kidding, no problems with my ex)
RE: Can people really change ?
@Karina-Kara Destiny presupposes determinism and annulment of free will, while the idea of "God" proposes an Islamic Christian Jewish model that does not embrace the perceptions of Eastern doctrines and spiritualism. Some orders call the "Great Architect of the Universe," and there is even a genre to be assigned to that Intelligence (female or male), which may be the "First Cause of All Things." In spite of all metaphysical ramblings survives the question of the "Law of Cause and Effect," where we are subordinated to the consequences of our choices, whether or not we believe in a "supernatural entity."
RE: Best Television Series
@Chicken-meat You're right! The question is also to know other series that I have never heard of. For example, I watched the "Kingdom" series, little known for being a Korean production. With participations it is possible to meet others.
RE: Whats ur political stance? Liberal, conservative, republican, communist, progressive,democratic etc etc?;
@Chicken-meat Thanks! Respecting all the particularities of cultures today we live a freedom of choice of our cultural references, from painting, music to architecture. It is remarkable that we all seek an identity but when we study the roots of our nations we find that they are constructs derived from the mixture of peoples and there is no "pure culture" as the same way don't exists "pure race". I say this because I am brazilian and this country is one of the most mestizo populations in the world. When they speak of cultural appropriation or something typical of a people, it can be traced back from other countries, whether of European, Amerindian, African, Arab or Asian descent.
RE: Can people really change ?
@Karina-Kara Thanks Karina! This "Intelligence" leaves its laws "written" in our out-of-body consciousness and when these laws related to the good are transgressed they begin to link the consequences and energies so that we can repair the damage. By this the spiritual creature matures and becomes prone to err less and more successful in the practice of good.
RE: Best Television Series
@Lurker There-re a lot of good anime series. For me the top animes are Death Note, Shingeki no Kyojin, Claymore, Monster, Naruto and Naruto Shippuden, Fairy Tail, and others to remember.
RE: Whats ur political stance? Liberal, conservative, republican, communist, progressive,democratic etc etc?;
@Chicken-meat Unfortunately people today seek to victimize their ethnic background or their origins and I believe that it should not be so. Something like white people can not talk about slavery or Asians could not dance break. I have descendants of germans, spaniards, amerindians, africans and arabs (third and fourth generation, all mixed up) and for me this is a source of satisfaction in my DNA.
RE: Can people really change ?
@Karina-Kara I agree with you on the collective conscience, but I believe that with humans this comes from the psychological need (a more complex psyche) of gregariousness, of satisfying their basic needs, security and pleasure and even their aspirations, which makes us form ethnic groups , social, political and religious. Still, I believe we have our individuality, something not noticeable in ants, termites and bees, which are "controlled" by their queens. What does not fit my mind are concepts of "Gaia hypothesis" and other pantheistic doctrines that place each of us as raindrops returning to an ocean, a "universal whole." Agreeing with some previous points for each individuality there is an unfathomable purpose in the smallness of our minds in the face of the greatness of the Universe and its Creation with an "intelligent design."
RE: Where is Everyone?
I agree with this analysis. The problem of our science, however advanced, is that it can only admit carbon bonds to constitute life as we know it, for in this rock lost in space was the only viability possible from the simplest organizations. Variations of non-formed carbon organizations would be interesting news to us. Too bad we have no comparative elements so our science can theorize about other forms of life.
RE: Brain Chemistry
@Alte If I consider that all the electrochemistry of my brain is responsible for all the reactions of my organs, but that my brain is just my control panel, my hardware, which has an "autopilot" for autonomous functions like breathing, reflexes, and distribute the impulses to my organs and systems without the need for a conscious impulse to do so, I am responsible for the rational and conscious command of this biomachine. The computer is nothing without your operating system. I am intelligent and self-aware software and the brain is my quantum processor that manages the peripherals.
RE: Can people really change ?
@Karina-Kara Love is just a word to most people. The ability to be sensitive to the suffering of others and empathy for others is the closest to "agape" love. As you said to conceive a concept of the immortal essence of the human creature, calling it spirit, it is the intelligent articulator of reality that lives, whether material or in other dimensions of existence. By successive corporeal existences it is refined in the quality of thoughts, feelings and attitudes and it suffers the ills of the previous choices, which explains the previous causes of the human afflictions, since the present ones can be identified in the present existence.
RE: Is the media dividing us?
@panters-higgins They want conflicts, people to fight for their minor ideological differences, when in fact there are more convergences. We all feel pain, hunger, love, anger and fear. Beneath our epidermis are the same biological structures and the same common origin. While the mob kills itself, the rulers are swallowed up in wealth.
RE: Can people really change ?
@Karina-Kara I like your line of thinking and your reflections
RE: Can menstrual blood be donated to red cross?
@Kiss_My_Axe Thanks to the curiosity that arises the science.
RE: Being invisible (super power??)
@Karina-Kara In a ficcion way my friend =D
RE: We're so small compared to everything else out there it's crazy o:
And at the same time we are so small, including our planet, like a grain of dust in the universe and even our sun just another star of small size. Yet each of us is a universe of possibilities within itself. This is the greatness of life and the intelligent spark that we are.
RE: Can people really change ?
@Karina-Kara thanks a lot dear Karina. To me is a pleasure to talk about all of this
RE: Being invisible (super power??)
@Karina-Kara good!!! I had not thought about the thermal sensors!!