I am so much proud that I am myself.

Posts made by Azriel
RE: What is something you are proud of about yourself?
RE: what are your favorite animes ??
My only favs so far are Shingeki no kyojin and kimi ni todoki
5th day of August... ~(•.•~)
RE: What's the best guide on how to lose weight fast?
I'd say do not eat... XD
PS. Sorreh
RE: How did you come up with your username???
From a book... Zzzzzzzzzzzz
RE: What do you do when you’re depressed for no reason? No lol, this isn’t another self pity post.
I would go to somewhere quiet with no human beings in sight and... just... stare at nothing... Pfft
- I'm Belle (sounds girly but I really am a guy). Maybe my name has something to do with me being a bi (no one knows about this I'm too much into secrecy).
- I love the art of dancing and drawing. I read books a lot and hey I love to be alone but whenever I'm alone I feel so so so lonely XD.
- I can be talkative here but the real me is more silent than the skies at night.
RE: If you were to change your name, what would you change it to?
My name is Belle Rustian and I wanna change it to Azriel.
RE: If you were to change your name, what would you change it to?
@mistycloud lmao... Almost the same as mine
RE: what's worse than a heartbreak?
When you fall in love to someone and he/she doesn't catch you... You'll probably hit the ground face first. That would hurt... A lot.
RE: If someone you loved was killed in front of you, but someone created a copy of them that was perfect right down to the atomic level, would they be the same person and would you love them just as much?
Totally a different person... May have a perfect same vessel but the soul that inhabits is not.
RE: Is the public chat blank for anyone else?
ohhh... i thought it's justr my computer not working
RE: How to travel to the past☺it really works
I know this sounds crazy but still I'm gonna say it... I travel back to the past by being in a place where I usually go while music is on... Music is so old... It has been here before me before everyone... So yeah I only turn it on and feel everything that surrounds you... Lol (travel only... Do not dwell) a not to remember