Then what you expect? They have to maintain +10.000 Posts about nudes and stuff then you cant post whatever you want here? As long as it is not a link that directly lead you to "suspicious site like this ladydoll did in her signature, it is not a big deal.
Then they need to lock this site down and do a sweep. If there was a way to contact admin, then there could obviously be a change in the way the site is run. How about a category solely for issues where a few mods handle the issues and/or report it to other mods?
Furthermore, I am seeing links from bots leading to “suspicious sites”, shouldn’t the mods deal with it then?
Of coz, it is not that easy, bruh. You have to get at least 1K reputation to do such flag. It is a breakthrough that this site has since 2019. As a new user, you may have to understand it first rather than protesting. Oh, dont forget to mingle!
Oh, I understand the way the system works. 1k rep just to help the mods? Of course the site’s a fucking mess. By the time one reaches 1k one will most likely forget about reporting at all since one has been so limited for so long. It’s a backwards system and does not work.
Nah. This ladydoall did something like i said previously. If you think that they did not put their best effort, they already did. But it is too much users here, they even have to banned underage users here. If you want such safer/more pleasant environment, may be this is not the place that you can find your expectation, as this site is free, even administrator and global moderator aint get payment for their roles 😂 i suggest you to find your great heaven of internet outside there rather than you say this thing that they may not concern that much lol.
Honestly, too many users? In the two-three days I’ve been a member I have seen the handful of users on this site. And if the mods don’t get enough pay, well then they should allow us users some more freedom in reporting spam/harassment. That would save the mods time which means less money spent on the issue. At least lower the rep demand to 100, hell, 50 would do.
You may be right, maybe I’m being a bit too optimistic on what this site has to offer. Hell, it doesn’t really suit my needs. But so far I’ve enjoyed it, as it’s not a complete shit show, however, there’s plenty of room for improvement and I am offering constructive criticism which is the only thing I can do as of right now.