• I watched your youtube recommendation, this is my summary:

    1. Based on his speech, he tries to influence us to not be attached with technology, but you shall know that technology was purposely created with the aim to make life easier. So, if it is all about how phones are getting smart and people are getting dumb, it is all about how the users technology management.
    2. He reminded us about the kind of life phase, like the first time to kiss his girlfriend, the first time he proposed to his girlfriend then made family until he became a grandpa. My question will be, what kind of grandpa is that tech savvy or having such experience with smartphones nowadays? Thats indeed irrelevant.
    3. He mentioned that he feels lonely coz most of his friends are into gadgets till they have no time to talk with him or even have such gathering discussion time like old days. My question is, what kind of friend is that? 😂 you can make the fair rules that shall be implemented for all people on the table. You as well can say how it is offended when you have your friends available offline but then they make you invisible in return. I will wipe out that kind of fellas. Offline meeting IS NOT ONLINE MEETING. It is been implemented to my social life.
    4. He spoke to his friends (offline) all days but none of them really knows him? 😂 are you fucking serious? What kind of friend is that? At least, they know 40% your characters, the way of your scolded, bragging, lying, farting sounds, burping sounds, laziness, craziness, madness, something you like / dislike, crying or any emotions. They even know how you flirt with someone you like or bad behaviors towards someone you dislike. The enhanced friendship will have such ability to deal with your "differend character" or the way you decide something they dislike. This man is irrelevant about this. He never had good friends like i have or he never tried to be the real / authentic personality of himself.
    5. When you are in public but you feel alone, it offended me the most, I AM AN INTROVERT WHO LOVES TO BE AN ALIEN YOU DUMB BITCH 😂 not all people can be fit to others like extrovert does. Not all people can manage or maintain a good relationship with others, not all people can do kindness because human are not angels! So, you blame technology for your loneliness? Find your companion, champ! Find your wifey materials to share your thoughts, find a gf who has a greater compassion better than yours and expect nothing and listen more. This is not suitable for you too? Hiring a nanny (psychiatrist) that can see you 24/7 may help too. Still hard to find them or you have financial problems? Find your parents / siblings / good fellas or even your favorite teachers that damnly care about you so it can make you feel better than loneliness. Your technology aint the fault of your actions.
    6. Why children are not having fun / doing out activity like old generations did? Coz their parents told them that there are bunch of pedhopiles (like deniselle, jk) , kidnappers, bad guys and there is no one help (moreover superhero / marvel thingy). You blame this also coz of technology? Smh, man you shall grow up! 😂

    In short, your gadgets are the same like your games / alcohol thingy as well as your feelings (love / hate) . When you can manage your time, you can do discipline and you as well having self-conscious, you are aware what you do and your intentions of doing that. If you still keep blaming dead things coz of your life is mess up, you are still a 7 yo kid 😂
    P. S. It is different from your blaming for people / human being. Some of them are FUCKING BASTARDS THAT NEED TO FIGHT WITH!
    P. S. S. Yes, i watched this like 20 times before i sleep in 2 AM
    P. S. S. S. Blessed Spooktober for 2022 will be my favorite month!

    I will link this youtube in return. Listen this Simon Sinek words and share your thought 😁

    Feel it, you will find the answers of your statement "IT IS IMPOSSIBLE APUT, TO LOVE SOMEONE YOU NEVER MET MOREOVER A STRANGER THROUGH ONLINE SITE?! 😂 dont you need time to fall in love with someone? Dont you need time to press yes button before you proceed your feelings? How about your likes / dislikes, judgements, characters, behaviors or even the same values, beliefs, cultures, as well as acceptance, patience, transparency, mutual understanding, compassion, and trustworthiness? In short, you need consistency! Your personality is my first judgement, your attitude is needed for considerations meanwhile your good looking is bonus, the rest will follow.
    Loving someone gives you courage, being loved gives you strength, coz loving you is red, too dangerous to proceed, too hard to accept 😁
    Bonus Clip Song 🙊 you perhaps have confusion of this Japan words