I AM NEW HERE, Idk what looking for
Hey I am New to This Website
Who are you?
@angel_darknessss me too
i am also new here, just need someone to chat to
@amazing-soiree good luck.
@amazing-soiree hey, would you be interested in reading these little radio drama scripts I write. This: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qtjgmia18j9b98o/Owl p3?dl=0. That is about two blokes defining marriage. Here’s a transcript: https://www.dropbox.com/s/5oxw1xmkoimtz2e/Cory is always going to preform .pdf?dl=0
@angel_darknessss samee, wanna chat?
I have like 37 of those. One season is thirty. I write like one a week.
@angel_darknessss anyone?
Yeah me too