• is anyone free to chat abt mental health? Need support atm

  • Hey, what's on your mind? I'm not a licensed therepist by any stretch of the imagination, but I'm more than happy to help you out with any support that I can offer ❤️‍🩹

    Btw, would you prefer to talk privately or post on here? I just tried chatting you but I got this error message Screen Shot 2022-02-10 at 13.26.27.png

  • @erikagautney I need help

  • @nmg625 yess!! Im a psychology student and I'm focusing more on psychological functioning,trying to learn to know more abt mental health and wishing to know hear about peoples experiances.

  • Apologies in advance for consecutively posting multiple times in a row on the same topic. I wrote one reply initially, but I think because it had multiple links it was marked as spam and I wasn't able to submit, so I'm chopping them up now and posting them piecemeal (yes, it's still a lot of links, but they are relevant to the discussion, not promotional spam)

    Public vs Private support

    @Aryan15 see the screenshot, I'm having the same issue chatting with you as I did with @nmg625

    Screen Shot 2022-02-11 at 13.03.50.png

    Go to my and/or @Taraaa-2020's profile page and click the small green + plus button next to our profile picture to follow us. Then we'll be able to talk to each other privately 👍🏼

    Either that, or you can talk openly on this public post about whatever may be bothering you right now and we'll try our best to help out however we can 🤝

    Whichever way you both decide to do this, know that we recognize that we're all human here and we wouldn't judge you for whatever it is that you're dealing with -- so I hope you feel comfortable sharing what may be troubling you and we'll do our best to provide adequate support for your needs.

  • Professional support

    However, I'd be remiss if I didn't point this out... at the end of the day, we're just a couple of random strangers, lmao. Strangers who are students, at that! @Taraaa-2020 is studying psychology, and my major is in computer science. We're not licensed professionals by any stretch of the imagination. So while we're willing to offer help free... you kinda get what you pay for too 😅

    So if at any point you feel that our support is inadequate to meet your mental health needs, I'd highly advise you to schedule a session with a therapist near you. You can even do meet with one remotely through a phone, video, or live-chat session.

  • I also used this service to make my antidepressants more affordable when I sought help a while back, and very recently when I was picking up some other (not mental-health related) medication for my father at the pharmacy I was able lower the price via GoodRX once again.

    Of course, I don't know if you need medical or therapeutic intervention, or if you simply need someone to talk out your issues with. I'm just trying to lay out all your options on the table and highlight what helped me the most when I desperately needed help myself. I hope that I or @Taraaa-2020 am able to provide you with the help that you need. <3 But if we aren't, know that there are more dedicated people and tools to aid you out there at your disposal, dedicated to working with you and offering a more comprehensive support structure than we freebie noob students possibly could 🤣:)⛑🏥

  • Seeking support in the event of an emergency

    Sometimes, you just don't have the time to schedule a session with a doctor or therapist or to even have prolonged convos with one of us. The situation is too fluid, dynamic, unpredictable, fast moving and precarious.

    If your need is immediate and you consider yourself to be a state of crisis, please call for help right away

  • full sapport sarr