Most of us question our existence beyond what we can see. Are you one of those people?

  • What is realistic and whatโ€™s not? Is this hell? Am I a living soul from the past? Why canโ€™t I fit in

  • @WeAllFalldown
    I don't know if you've learned about this yet or not, let me know but it's about what we see and what we don't see. Basically there are these electromagnetic waves in the air that we don't see but they're there. And some people might think that what they see is all that exists, but in reality, there are so many things that exist and can't see at the same time it's just so mind-blowing!
    Also, it's like when you have feelings about something, you can't see the feeling but you can feel it... haha what?! fucking nuts. Iโ€™m blowing my own mind hahaha am I having the same effect on you? LMAOCRYING OF LAUGHTER

  • @banxs Yea likewise. 2020 made me realize so much, I was already on my spiritual awakening path but this was more of a collective pause for the world to go within themselves and realize where we are in life. Many "friends" fell out of place, my close partner apparently has no idea who I am and up to this point I guess I'm just starving for a connection, mainly because I'm very unplugged from the matrix and it's control systems. I simply don't want to play along or feed more into it, fall into fear and all this worldwide pandemic bullshit. Yet I still hold my ground, hoping to learn from this pain so it can catapult me into something deeper and maybe find my true purpose here on Earth.

  • @TruthSeeker369 wow, I feel you man. All of what you said resonates.
    One hard truth I had to face during this year was that no one was gonna make me get better, I had to take the first step.
    And for relationships, I learned not to blame the other for shit. I learned I had to focus on my own faults and fix them whilst respecting the other. And it saved my relationship...I had to admit my wrongs and that was hard but I knew that was just the right thing to do. Of course that doesn't mean letting them treat you badly either, if they do you wrong you gotta say it straight up. Let them know and whatever happens, happens.
    And I learned to CHILL OUT, respect, love yourself 1000000% unconditionally, be mindful of my actions and words, especially when I get mad.

  • @banxs lol it's funny cuz on the outside I'm a real chill guy, yet there's a storm of existential questioning on my head that no one knows about. But yea it'd be great to be accepted for who we are, not for who the world wants us to be. It's honestly hard to resonate with anyone, and the weight of the world is already on my shoulders. I guess I romanticize trying to fix it somehow. How are people so comfortable living lies, deceits or willful ignorance daily? They say ignorance is bliss, I say it's dangerous. If we don't question our way of living how can we ever move forward? Sorry went off on a rant there lol. But yea thank God for my dog, nature and music. Helps to ease my mind!

  • I don't question the reality of the world around me, because I have absolute knowledge. I am absolutely sure that I am real, that you are real, that reality is...real. The fine tuned Universe points toward a designer, without the constants of the Universe, matter itself would not hold, it would literally fly apart because protons and electrons, like opposite ends of polar magnets, should repel themselves. If the Universe were not laid out exactly as it is, we would not be able to exist. Everything from life, to matter, to the laws of physics points towards our Creator, the Ultimate Designer...

  • @TruthSeeker369 said in Most of us question our existence beyond what we can see. Are you one of those people?:

    @banxs lol it's funny cuz on the outside I'm a real chill guy, yet there's a storm of existential questioning on my head that no one knows about. But yea it'd be great to be accepted for who we are, not for who the world wants us to be. It's honestly hard to resonate with anyone, and the weight of the world is already on my shoulders. I guess I romanticize trying to fix it somehow. How are people so comfortable living lies, deceits or willful ignorance daily? They say ignorance is bliss, I say it's dangerous. If we don't question our way of living how can we ever move forward? Sorry went off on a rant there lol. But yea thank God for my dog, nature and music. Helps to ease my mind!

    Dude... I swear... Everything you're saying is exactly how I feel too.
    Like...holy shit. That's exactly how I think and feel!!!!!!!!!!!

    jaw drop

  • @banxs said in Most of us question our existence beyond what we can see. Are you one of those people?:

    @TruthSeeker369 said in Most of us question our existence beyond what we can see. Are you one of those people?:

    @banxs lol it's funny cuz on the outside I'm a real chill guy, yet there's a storm of existential questioning on my head that no one knows about. But yea it'd be great to be accepted for who we are, not for who the world wants us to be. It's honestly hard to resonate with anyone, and the weight of the world is already on my shoulders. I guess I romanticize trying to fix it somehow. How are people so comfortable living lies, deceits or willful ignorance daily? They say ignorance is bliss, I say it's dangerous. If we don't question our way of living how can we ever move forward? Sorry went off on a rant there lol. But yea thank God for my dog, nature and music. Helps to ease my mind!

    btwww I have song that talks exactly about that.

  • try to see beyond the boundry.

  • @banxs huh. Some people use reality to keep themselves motivated. And some use their imagination. If using reality to motivate our selves is boring then using imagination is psychotic!. But its called artistic . See what im saying? :)

  • @banxs said in Most of us question our existence beyond what we can see. Are you one of those people?:

    I guess if I rephrase my question, it would be this:
    What amazes you the most about your life? :)

    Two things :

    1. The structure and functions of the human body
    2. How day and night occur

  • @TruthSeeker369 I like that, good, very good. However, it is impossible to know anything, unless one knows things. Unless one has a source of absolute knowledge, being sure that what they think they know is indeed correct, they can't know if what they think they know is correct, or incorrect. I have that, if you would like to obtain absolute knowledge, as well, rest easy, for everyone gets their chance to obtain it, at which point they will either embrace that sure foundation of knowledge, or reject it in order to hide in darkness. Come to the Light, friend...
