• Happy birthday to the president of Russia Vladimir Vladimiroviฤ Putin. ๐Ÿ‡ญ๐Ÿ‡ทโœ๏ธโค๏ธ๐Ÿ‡ท๐Ÿ‡บโ˜ฆ๏ธ

  • โค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธ

  • @IVAN-V-SINฤŒIฤ† putin.jpg

  • Fuck Putin...we are coming for you soon, fucker!!

  • @RexGreeley And why do you dislike Putin?

  • Put the Moscow moscow song lol

  • @IVAN-V-SINฤŒIฤ† happy birthday to him

  • Why?? Cuz he's a weak, scumbag dictator!

  • @RexGreeley are there any "positive" qualities we can pull from his nefarious character

  • @chewie No - of course not.

  • @RexGreeley well he is




  • @chewie To ruin the world...yea...

  • @RexGreeley if not the world just his country

  • The problem is that...whether people like it or not...we are all connected together through a global marketplace and not just of goods & services, but of ideas. Most everything is connected in the modern world.

  • @RexGreeley Putin is a very good president. He is serious, intelligent and has done a lot for Russia. Before Putin, Russia was falling apart, people were hungry, economy was terrible, there were terrorists in Chechnya... Since Putin came to power he improved the Russian economy a lot, stopped the war in Chechnya, gave Russians their pride back, improved the military, spoken against American imperialism, is protecting Syria from American imperialism, returned Crimea to Russia, played a big role in a victory against ISIS...

  • Putin has simply turned Russia into a kleptocracy - you don't have any real choices but Putin now & he controls everything of any consequence that goes on in Russia. He's nothing but a former KGB thug spy. The Russian economy is mostly dependent on oil prices now, and you can't even exploit those resources effectively.

    America is not & never will be afraid of Russia and your puny military, which will always be a shadow of your former Soviet selves...lol...Russia has done next to nothing against ISIL. Most of the fighting against ISIL was done by the Kurds & the Iraqis with help from the USA. All Russia has done in Syria is prop up another one of Putin's dictator buddies who kills his own people - with the help of Russia. Bomb civilians much? Please...

  • @RexGreeley Putin turned Russia into a powerful country once again. And please be serious. You are telling me that USA played any role in a victory against ISIS? How? Maybe by supporting their allies? By funding them? By stopping Iranian and Hezbollah military operations against ISIS? Also you are calling Assad a dictator who kills his own people? Don't tell me you believe in that stupid story. There is not a single valid evidence of that and it's completly illogical since he would gain nothing from it. USA is afraid of Russian military and the fact that you ran out of Syria when Russia joined proves it. It's really sad that you still believe your country's propaganda after so many countries were destroyed, so many civillians killed and so many terrorist groups created by USA. USA is nothing more than a big bully and a zionist puppet.

  • @IVAN-V-SINฤŒIฤ† said in Happy birthday to Vladimir Putin:

    Putin turned Russia into a powerful country once again. And please be serious. You are telling me that USA played any role in a victory against ISIS? How? Maybe by supporting their allies? By funding them? By stopping Iranian and Hezbollah military operations against ISIS? Also you are calling Assad a dictator who kills his own people? Don't tell me you believe in that stupid story. There is not a single valid evidence of that and it's completly illogical since he would gain nothing from it. USA is afraid of Russian military and the fact that you ran out of Syria when Russia joined proves it. It's really sad that you still believe your country's propaganda after so many countries were destroyed, so many civillians killed and so many terrorist groups created by USA. USA is nothing more than a big bully and a zionist puppet.

    Russia is the opposite of "powerful" my friend...it's a sad country that's on the long, slow slide to irrelevancy...lol...

    Iran & Hezbollah have done NOTHING against ISIL...all they've done is fight on the side of Russia's buddy Syria against it's own people...please...learn some recent history! Assad & his family have been killing Syrians who oppose them for decades...wake up!

    Even the Turks aren't afraid of the Russian military...they shot down a Sukhoi Su-24 in 2015 and Russia did...wait for it...nothing in response, because they can't go up against the USA & NATO...lol...

    Take your anti-Semitic nonsense elsewhere please...

  • @RexGreeley I do know recent history, but you don't it seems. It's really sad that you still believe your government is fighting for good in the Middle East. You trust the people who openly supported Al Qaeda, who brought the Taliban to power in Afghanistan, who killed millions of innocent people... You saying that Russia isn't powerful just proves how brainwashed you are and btw i am not an anti-semite, but anti-zionist. Learn the difference.

  • Yea, "who openly supported Al Qaeda"? Not the USA, that's for sure. "who brought the Taliban to power in Afghanistan"" Everyone knows that we wouldn't have the Taliban if Russia hadn't needlessly invaded Afghanistan in a blind game of conquest in 1979.

    "i am not an anti-semite"...sure, sure...because Russia doesn't have an extremely long history of anti-Semitism...lol...take your lies somewhere else, loser...
