will u date me plz
What is your all time favourite movie/are your alltime favourite movies?
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@Eucalyptus haha I've no idea the movie in question tbh. All I know is in my humble opinion it defo no way better than Snatch. Its simply not possible 😂😂😂😂
@GreyWind Dunkirk is an amazing movie. But the true war movie is Black Hawk Down or 12 strong.
Definitely Juice, its a classic !
<img src="https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BNjM5ZWIxM2QtYmU1ZS00MDJiLThmNmYtNjFjZDUzZjcxYmQxXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjExODE1MDc@.V1_UY1200_CR86,0,630,1200_AL.jpg" alt="Juice (1992) - IMDb"/> -
@Rockstar-Ida oohh Harry Potter, offcourse!! But I guess I view them more as books, so that's why they're not on my list, but yeah, I love the Harry Potter series😍🔥
@GreyWind Was browsing for a movie to watch. Imma watch wild tales now.. But one thing........ I like the lame lol... It makes me 'me' :see_no_evil:
@GreyWind What did you make me watch??! The ending though, if I'm ever gonna get married, it's gonna end with the very last scene (maybe not that bloody, I just mean what they are doing on the table with all the guests watching :wink: Lol
@Eucalyptus 😂🤣 Well, You can't deny that you found it very interesting and got engaged in it ;)
@GreyWind well, I'd rather watch them as full movies with a plot and everything... Except the road rage one... Or that could maybe be fun as a detective where you are in on the full story of the detectives finding out what happened only to find out in the end how bizarre it actually was....
? is any one really interested in movies?
So I guess America has nothing to day about movies right now? That is so totally lame😈