• @Ihateualll I don't much about the Quran. But there something in that which makes people restless. I know it's a religion of peace. But something is being misunderstood

  • hello muslim here

  • @knownsense well fucker I'm not Indian so I dont have to pay a penny till I graduate and then only if I earn above a certain threshold. Why do you care what i do with my life so what if i get married and have children its not an Islamic thing anyway. Your views on women are disgusting I dont care if you're Muslim or not you shouldn't see women as sex machines for reproducing. Don't you have any respect for your mother and your sisters. I guess living in india has made you so perverted you don't see this as being wrong.All of your arguments are invalidated if you view women like that, this is why I hate islam and i hate you. You're a degenerate.

  • @Ihateualll 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣lovely isn't it ?? so fucking what you are not Indian but Muslim right ?? May I know where you from happy being ?? So please do not assume about me, seems like lost in assumption with half baked mind and borrowed knowledge isn't it?? I don't give a damm about Islam !! lucky you, u r not Indian Muslim.. you are the one being victim here talking about men not me how Islam men treated you so I do not know my self what I am !! but I know to respect all being including pig did you tried pork ??

  • @Ursula-sergui
    so that's a lie.
    Islam promotes violence please explain these verses i know theyre so very peaceful --


    "And kill them wherever you overtake them and expel them from wherever they have expelled you, and fitnah is worse than killing. And do not fight them at al-Masjid al- Haram until they fight you there. But if they fight you, then kill them. Such is the recompense of the disbelievers."

    "But when the forbidden months are past, then fight and slay the Pagans wherever ye find them, and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war); but if they repent, and establish regular prayers and practise regular charity, then open the way for them: for Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful."

    "Prophet! Rouse the believers to wage war. If there are twenty amongst you, patient and persevering, they will subdue two hundred: if a hundred, they will subdue a thousand of the disbelievers: for these are a people without understanding."

    So when you meet those who disbelieve, then strike the necks until when you have subdued then bind firmly the bond, then either a favour afterwards or ransom until lays down the war its burdens. That. And if Allah had willed surely, He could have taken retribution from them, but to test some of you with others. And those who are killed in (the) way of Allah, then never He will cause to be lost their deeds."

    There are many many more, I cant possibly list them all here. If you read the koran you would know it's man made. There are contradictions sometimes on the same sentence, there are many many grammatical errors, foreign words from Aramaic or Syriac and many other languages like Persian, the koran assumes slavery exists, the koran states men can have sex slaves and 72 virgins in heaven -- Islam is so male oriented and carnal . Imagine eternity in heaven with worldly desires and lusts. Islam also treats black people as inferior this is quite ironic since many African Americans are converting to Islam. Please wake up.

  • @Ihateualll you are violation Tws rule No-13 and 11...Hate speech against a particular religion !

  • @knownsense

    I will say it again I have great difficulty reading your sentences but I'll reply to the parts I did understand.

    I'm from central Asia far away from where you the degenerate lives.
    Yes I've tried pork it's nice you should try it too :). Why would a God create something if we weren't allowed to eat it? It makes no sense.

  • @Sam77

  • @Ihateualll I request you to read rules of TwS !

  • @Sam77 dude get lost dude keep your relegion and to sleep

  • @knownsense am I talking about Someone's Religion I just Fuckin said go and read Rules!

  • @knownsense I don't take side here

  • @Sam77 fuck off Sam.
    No one wants you here.
    Go moderate other threads where they say worse things. Im sure we can manage on our own.

  • @Ihateualll haters are everywhere say whatever you want ! I don't care have a nice day...I just warned you because you might get banned because if that : / .... anyway have a nice day Sir/Ma'am..... and I am Proudly muslim!

  • @Sam77 go fuck yourself dude keep it all and go away poor islamic boy !! domt get you head here, she is right for people like you

  • @knownsense dude this a very bad way to gain attention from a girl'... anyway good Luck : /

  • @Ihateualll I get back to you please we first sort out Muslim guy here dearie we keep out conversation later

  • @Sam77
    I dont really care if I get banned I'm leaving anyway.
    And always criticise everything dont waste your life believing something that has no evidence whatsoever.

  • @knownsense I Will not reply to anything now....you guys spread hate or do whatever you want...I am out bye stay safe;

  • @Sam77 fuck you for downvoting me .