• Do you remember any different or strange or beautiful situation you got into with a complete stranger in real life

  • I've meet a lot of ppl in my life and most are nothing alike to, different and strange would apply to most of them

  • Yeah. I was working in a casino, and there were a lot of people that day. I was as usual - serving drinks, cleaning stuff, be in service in every moment. And there was one guy. I think he lost quite a money that day.

    He had his last 20 euros, he hot to me - it was like 30 minutes before I finished my work. He came to me, and he said: "If you make sure that I win something now with my last money, I'll give you some too".

    I laughed, and I said: "I'll take a foot of a break pedal for you just now"

    But true is - I couldn't do anything. All those machines are just made that way, so you'll loose your money. And I couldn't do shit, cause they're programmed that way.

    Five minutes before finishing my shift, I heard a scream. But a scream of happiness.
    The guy, won 5000 euros. A fricking 5000 euros.

    He came to me, happy AF, he asked me, when I was leaving. I said, I'm leaving in few minutes. He said, that I should wait for him, cause he'll give me money. I said, that he don't need to do that.
    Next day, the guy came over, he wanted to give me 200 euros. He said, he was living 100km from here, but he came extra again, just to give me money. I didn't wanted to take it, but he said, that, he made that money cause of me. I didn't accept the money.

    He ordered a coffee, and he put 10 euro in a machine. He drank his coffee, played 10 euros, he thanked me again, and he left.

    As I was cleaning the tables, I lift the cup of coffee up, and underneath it - 200 euro. I knew it was from him, and it made my day.

    I never saw that guy again through my 2 long years in a casino, as I was working there 😎😁

  • @Greymatter One New Year's Eve, many years ago, I drove out to a friend's house party. Parked about half a block from the house, and as I got out of my car a gal was on the other side of the street, just getting out of HER car. Each heading in our own direction, we were about to cross paths, and as we got closer I smiled at her and said "Happy New Year!" She smiled, and kissed me, and we ended up kissing for what seemed a long time, in the middle of the street, in the freezing near midnight mid-west cold. I invited her to the party, but she had her own to get to, and that was that. But I had a great story to tell to my friends as to why I was...late :grin:

  • @Lazz
    Well thats sure crazy. A beautiful reason to be late

  • @Greymatter Hey there can we private chat Please

  • @Greymatter She sure was :joy:
