@Chez_lord Hello
are you still bored?
how can i get through a weekend with a verbally and emotionally abusing dad?
Really ur dad abused u
@shan verbally and emotionally yes
if you are a minor just call the child protection services.
Then don't go with him...
i have to go its a court order he can have my mom arrested if he doesnt get me this weekend and im a child im 13
@kh1137 talk to your court mandated supervisor or call 911 thats the fastest system.
im too scared hill find out and idk if ill get a phone by then
@kh1137 if you are too scared to act there is nothing to be done.
@lucifer_ are you a US citizen? are you a law student or a law practitioner?
I just Love reading stuff.
I even helped a canadian a few days ago with his G2 drivers license -
@lucifer_ wow keep up man! you are helpfull to the community! nice one
@mockingbird Thanks!
@kh1137 Find the courage hidden deep in your heart.
Because the only way out is through.
There are no saviors no guardian angels its just you and your mum and there is very little she can do to help you. -
Can you give example how he abused you? Because after all he is your dad, he might love you and fight for your own good.
@sarah he called me a liar and said i was just like my mother, he said i was dumb just because i stood up to him, he never attends to my chorus resitals and he owes my mom over 1500 dollars, he always attends to my brother and sisters sports games but ive never seen his face at one of my chorus conserts, he bought my sister a phone and bought me a t- shirt
@kh1137 is he your real dad?
If so, just treat this all with patience. These things r normal and can happen. Talk to him calmly to solve any issue. Don't be aggressive. Just tell him what r u thinking and why r u worried