@pjr haha 😂
A few pics, if you want more, let me know
Just let me know
Hey, I would love to see more, these are beautiful. Thanks for sharing!
Hmmm, here I am, once again
@LetiBustos Hi, I didn’t see your reply! If you have three or four more that would be great, that one of you by the beach was amazing. And thanks, I will!
@LetiBustos perfect girl!
Okay @Asher-Ackerman , 4 it is. @alextavaresbr , how many for you?
@LetiBustos are you in the photos? So, i want every photos hhahaa
@alextavaresbr Okay, so 0 for you
@LetiBustos Thanks! And I saw that one of your tags says picture swap, are you looking for photos in return?
@LetiBustos sorry, why?
@LetiBustos Also, I hope that compliments are not crossing a line, but you have the most powerful facial composition. I’m a photographer, and your eyebrows are so strong in framing your face, but also expressive, along with your mouth. You go from almost haunting to carefree, so kudos to the breadth. You really are quite photogenic.
I want your photos bb..
https://www.instagram.com/natpasquel/ heres the instagram you took those pictures from :^)
@LetiBustos The pictures are great, but I have to admit it's sort of like seeing a steak commercial on TV. Looks good, but can't eat it, so...
its nice to see you in photo by the way
@LetiBustos hi... who wouldn't wanna see more..!! U look absolutely gorgeous.. Could look at u all day long :)