• I go on global and suddenly i have 6 men all asking me questions that you should never ask a female. Do you guys have no shame? I am not saying that all males are like that. In fact i know some pretty special ones on here. But the pervs outnumber them.

  • So um........ how many do I have to eliminate??

  • @Uno a hell of a lot man

  • @Vanie I'd like to put in a respectful request to be considered as part of the non-perv category.

  • @Lazz hmmmπŸ€”πŸ€” you already are. Don't mess it up though lmao

  • @Vanie Don't go read my recent comments then. Kidding, kidding, You should know by now I'm all bark and no bite

  • @Lazz yup. Other than that thing about Judy Hopps. That scared me for life. And the air force thing. smh πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ

  • @Vanie Hey now, no dissin' my Hopps. And you'd have to admit, anything I've posted has been seriously MILD compared to what quite many others have posted in public. And I just play, It's tongue-in-cheek

  • @Vanie New topic: Questions that you should never ask a female. I'm all curious, now

  • @Lazz yeah. That is true....and hey, no maple syrup jokes and i won't diss Judy

  • @Lazz hmmm.......we will see...

  • @Vanie Do any of those questions have anything to do with maple syrup? Just askin'...No shame

  • @Lazz No. And if they did, this topic would be a lot more savage. Just saying.

  • @Vanie That was a question, not a joke, so there. And I find I'm having an increasingly difficult time wrapping my head around your...age.

  • @Lazz I got that. And why is that?

  • @Vanie Maybe you'll get your answer, when I get my new topic, eh? Check, and mate

  • @Lazz well played man. Well played...

  • @Lazz well where is my answer lol?

  • @Vanie You are sharp as a dagger, with wits like throwing knives. A worthy opponent, and a wizard with words. Happy now?

  • @Lazz wow. Was not expecting anything like that. I, for once, am speechless.
