• @cjko I agree on this one! If the person isn't good for you spiritually and mentally (maybe financially as well) then better end it

  • @RoseoStarlo I'm glad to read this.. yeah true

  • @RoseoStarlo I guess defining Love is a little off. I mean I feel like its explaining how an orgasm feels, to a person who hasn't had one๐Ÿ˜‚. Nevertheless If I think about it its that 'special euphoria feeling'. Humans need each other both physically and mentally and I guess when someone clicks and connects with you in that way that's true love! You finally matter to someone who cares for you and loves you unconditionally. That's Love for me.

  • @Cunt-Fistula Legit!๐Ÿ˜‚

  • @RoseoStarlo it doesnt exist.

  • @JessicaLou eh really?

  • @Anastasia-Smith awee thank you! It's an amazing way to view love ๐Ÿ˜Š

  • I believe that love is a spirit that we can't contain, or truly claim. There are fleeting passions, but sometimes our hearts betray us, and it's common to be lead astray. One could strive to represent the qualities of love such as unconditional faith, humility, grace, patience, long-suffering, forgiveness, loyalty, and even rising above the flesh itself to overcome selfish desires, but truly I believe none should claim to be some kind of savior in love etc. Love itself chooses when to fill us with it's awesome power even as you strive to do your best to represent it. First before I make my suggestion in order to not be considered a hypocrite I confess I myself have not risen above the flesh, but Jesus suggested us not to get married because it is worldly, but for those of us who cannot contain the passions of the flesh in order to be sanctified, and blessed we should get married, but sadly my friend today all of our fellows who are weak in the flesh as we are would rather have no discretion, and give their to the world instead of one special person. It's hard, but I feel even if some of this is inaccurate there is much truth here, and if so glory to God for all things that are true.

  • @steelfirehawk hey are you a newbie? Welcome to tws! Thank you so much for your reply and I really appreciate it. Its true that we must not give in to the desires of the flesh and its better to be single than to be in a wrong relationship since Jesus also taught us its a sin to have sex before marriage. We're on the same page here. Glad you were able to share it here !

  • @RoseoStarlo Yeah I'm a newbie here, but already liking it very much. Thanks for the warm welcome. So far no one has been resentful. Very cool, and unique website. They did a good job making it diverse enough for one to have a hard time getting bored. Even the games are pretty amusing. See you around, and God bless

  • @steelfirehawk Glad to hear. God bless you too!
