• @Killed-Myself oh wait ur talking about urself not zoob 😅..still even just by judging from ur comments on my post and the likes u got I think I deserve to call u out too lol I still think u have good in you tho.

  • I see this is still a thing. I said my side to this post and left it at that, and I will only say this once more to you Chicken, and if you continue this shit with me I will have to resort to trolling.

    @Chicken-meat Chicken, you harassed people in PC because they didn't agree with you over Zoob, and went as far as to say because we didn't agree with you, we were on the side of Zoob. You went on for DAYS about it. People have a right to complain, and there was no one stopping you from pissing about an issue already solved in private, in public but when you involved and harassed users non-stop, we have the right to tell you to suck off and shut the suck up about the situation. I have never said in my life on this website that I was ever on the side of moderators or administrators (unless I was blackout drunk).
    I've always known there was a pyramid of power here since the beginning of signing up. I even went as far as demoralizing myself to briefly become a moderator in order to make things a little fairer, but I quickly realized that it was a mistake when I was being bitched out by the admin for banning 50+-year-old men who were seeking relations with 12-year-olds, bots, and spammers and that there was nothing I could truly do to help.
    Just because people disagree with you on a certain subject (Zoob) does not ban them from having feelings about a subject related. This does not make them a hypocrite. I never said I agreed with what Zoob did to you, and I will never agree that what you did to him was correct. I didn't give a shit, really. Just because Zoob is my friend does not automatically make me agree with whatever dumb shit he does. True friends call each other out. I don't automatically take sides because I'm close with someone, and I shouldn't even have been expected to TAKE sides in such a dumbass situation. As far as I knew, you guys discussed it privately and he apologized but it wasn't good enough for you, you had to involve everyone on this website.
    I've had the same feelings about the mods and admins since you were even a thing on this website. I don't have to overtly convey how I feel about a situation to make them truer than they already are, and I certainly don't have to sucking agree with you about an isolated case. You put yourself out there, don't expect everyone to agree and treat you with respect when you yourself were sucking disrespectful, to begin with. Do not come into PC, spam the link to your complaint and then harass everyone to READ and AGREE and then BITCH that everyone is so MEAN when we tell you to suck off or to shut up. We didn't want to be involved in the situation between you and Zoob, and if we did, we would have commented on the post. You are the hypocritical ashole who believes people should treat you nice but then treats people like shit, to begin with. Spend some time off TWS to self-reflect, that is, if you can if your mirror isn't too broken. At least be honest with yourself like Zoob is. He knows who he is, you don't. I am now done with this conversation. Follow suit, Chicken and do what pe7erpark3r did and respectfully agree to disagree.

    alt text

  • @Kanuna ur completely right, how could I be so blind :) 👏

    If theres one thing I want to say is ur a hypocrite, stop lying, you were suckingg zoobs dickk and trash talking me literally before we even actually interacted except for pleasantries the previous time. And idk what issues u have with the admin if thats true it would go against the a lot of the main objective in especially global chat of sexual harassment.

  • @Chicken-meat Think what you will. Clearly, no one can change your mind. You talk as if you know this website, which you don't. The main "objective" of this website is to get as much traffic as possible. You must be drunk to think the admins follow anything they instill unto users. You think the mods act out of hand? That's a laugh, the admins are the ones who are fucked up in all of this. They are the ones who made this website, after all, and the design is only as good as it's designer. Learn before you try to speak out about things you know nothing about. It wouldn't be considered "sexual harassment" in the slightest, it would be ILLEGAL to allow such shit to go on, but that doesn't fucking matter to them, as long as they have their precious users.
    Now, go on believing in whatever delusions you want. I said what I needed, and I'm no longer replying after this.

  • @Kanuna like honestly who the fck are u lol, who the fck do u think u are. If anything u wanna talk about harassment, why the f-ck should I be thinking rationally, when all u ever did was closed me in a box. am I wrong to think what zoob did was bad? Am I wrong for making a post about it, and get harassed off by you and others that say oh he was just trolling let it go, but when I do it is 'harassment" but people like u had to jump in and now lie that u didnt completely side with him or even talked to me first before u already have ur preconceived judgements, and everyone trying to harass me off with stupid GA accusations and f*ck offs to stop talking and leave when I stopped "harassing" zoob. As a user its already bad in itself but can u imagine as a moderator. U f-cking think before u point the fingers at me like it was "solved" READ before u make ur judgements, It was never "solved" and it seems never will be "solved".

  • @Kanuna downvoting my comments wont make ur point any more valid u manipulative sack of shitt.

  • Good topic dude.

  • She/he hired you or smth?

  • @IM-NOT-HORMY 😂 nahhh, how can she fight for justice if she dies? :)

  • @Chicken-meat said in Let's make TWS great again!:

    @IM-NOT-HORMY 😂 nahhh, how can she fight for justice if she dies? :)

    Exactly lol.

  • @Chicken-meat said in Let's make TWS great again!:


    You need to have a look at what's down there before you call me a she :)

  • @Iservejustice I'm sorry for making the assumption, but I've seen enough d-cks already on here, I dont wanna see urs too, although I'm sure there's not much there to see for leaving a comment like that

  • @Chicken-meat Triggered people make me laugh. They take internet too seriously.

  • @Iservejustice said in Let's make TWS great again!:

    @Chicken-meat Triggered people make me laugh. They take internet too seriously.


  • This is taking ages. Entertain me fast. It's an order.

  • @Iservejustice said in Let's make TWS great again!:

    @Chicken-meat Triggered people make me laugh. They take internet too seriously.

    No u lol

  • @Chicken-meat said in Let's make TWS great again!:

    @Iservejustice said in Let's make TWS great again!:

    @Chicken-meat Triggered people make me laugh. They take internet too seriously.

    No u lol

    I'm highly disappointed and dissatisfied with your reply!!
    Fight me.

  • @pe7erpark3r I made a post like this.