The only significant scar I have is from the time I broke my right arm.
Both radius and ulna were totally shattered, so I've had to have a wire that would connect them both in the right growing pattern. The wire went from my wrist till my elbow, that's where it left scars. The one in the elbow is more noticeable then the one in the wrist.
Damn, how’d you manage to break it like that in the first place? 😬
I was walking home from school, heavy backpack on my back and wasn't exactly a thin kid :laughing: was actually pretty fatty at that time and apparently a stray dog entered a cafe. The owner of the place got mad and shoo'ed the dog away and the dog got so scared that he left running at full speed and bumped into my legs. To avoid steping on the poor dog I ended up falling balance and fell and while trying to put my right arm in front of me, was too slow and feel with my weight + backpack weight on top of my right arm :laughing: