@DIV said in Who were your first friends?:

Isnt it strange, how quickly strangers become friends.
Came to talk with stranger, but stayed to talk with a friend.
So, who were your first strangers who became your friends here?

Mine were, @ASS33, @kana, @pe7erpark3r, @bucky

So mine... Well the first was @Adyyan and then came pretty fast @Kana, @Lurker, @DayShifter, Pamela ( @ShutUp rn), @Kakashi (whom I haven't seen around), and @DIV a bit later too as well (though you stopped PM-ing and I don't know for the hack why) and @Indrid-Cold... Then many others followed... Well and let's not forget my dear Zenny ( @Zen00 ) who also was lost on the wide wide @internets :cry: ...