• @sarah_the_magpie Coming from you, that's high praise and means a lot :peace: Also, thanks for the kind words. I'll take them to heart.

  • @kaia_ Too much? Apologies, if so, just lots on my mind

  • @Katherine-k Thank you.

  • @Katherine-k I am trying my best, really. At least of the things I can decide.

  • @Sparkle52 Thanks, behen, with such nice eyes. I appreciate that

  • @CocoLillian The support helps, it really means a lot. Thanks

  • @Furious_Duck The only thing that will never change is that things will always change. Such a paradox

  • @Lazz Those phases are just about a matter of self determination of being. Everything can be solved with the right state of mind. And I know you are very good at it.

  • @kaia_ If I could imagine myself as seen through your eyes....and you through mine. If only I had the clarity of thought, and precision with words that you clearly do, my "intros" would be MUCH shorter. And would probably make more sense, as well. :smirk:

    You are kindness incarnate, and of a kind that's very much appreciated.

  • @Lazz If we're willing to see, hear and feel what many others don't have, we'll develop a thankful mind, heart and soul. No matter what life throws at us, we'll still find peace within. You have been doing it, right? Be patience :)

  • @kaia_ As so often you do, you manage, yet again, to weave words into tapestries of thought, clarity, insight, wisdom, and emotion. I strive for peace. within and without. At this point still a work in progress. In patience I abide :peace: :heart: :pray: :yin_yang:

  • @Lazz hey, its been a long time since then. I just open ur message and read this right away.Lazzy, all of us have different difficulties of life. The more getting older the more harder but its alright you just need to accept and trust yourself. Everything happened has a purpose and we are always here for you. Dont ever hesitate to message us, especially me.. :)

  • @Dimple00 I will always want to reach out to you, Dimple! I'm not here very often, but when I stop in I always check messages and will reply. Going on a trip, soon! That should jump start getting away from fantasy and more into reality!