@Sara-f said in 🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨:
@Zen00 Wow I’m shocked that you would preach like that
What can I say, I'm a goddess. Every time I open my mouth im preaching ;)
& tell people what & who they should care about.
Yikes, that wasn't my intention. I don't think people are aware of what is actually going on with the life around them. Everyone knows that Prince Harry is married but no one knows that there are islands where birds are just dead all over and if you were to open one up it would look like this

that is plastic. About 90% of sea birds have plastic in their guts. Millions die from it. But yeah, lets focus on the clothing Gucci just released. I'm not trying to tell people what to care about by any means. I'm just trying to inform people. It's not like anything will get better anyway right? :)
Should we make sure we don't pollute & ruin the oceans. Of course.
This is all that matters.
There are no buts. You already said all that mattered.
our Coubtry is one of a few that follow the rules. Other countries pollute like crazy. You need to look into these bogus studies about Temperatures increasing. You need to look at the politics behind it.
I don't care what country does what. We are all fuckkng up and people would rather point fingers than take responsibility. "Should we make sure we don't pollute & ruin the oceans. Of course." That's it. If everyone sticks by that and does there part, then that's it . That is all we need.