nvm just ignore this , doesnt even matter anyways sorry & bye

Posts made by YoungSub
RE: Deactive my account
Deactive my account
Is there a way i can deactivate my ac or profile so i don't have to feel more like shit when there's another platform no one gives a fuck about me on as well no one wants to know me or talk to me let alone be my friend etc so i wanna know can i deactivate like on fb, i still have my ac its just doesn't show so i guess i can myself that's why i have no one rather than it just being no one cares i exist, please help for this one thing and ill deactivate and never bother anyone again, i just don't wanna delete it cause that's idk....
Need someone to talk too rn honestly
I stopped using this on the first day cause well no on wanted to know me probably cause they wanna judge & place me in the creep section cause I'm a sexual person but I guess I'll mam e one last try to give this a go in making a friend maybe ?& talking to someone as I never do cause I dont have anyone but I guess if you wanna know me message me I just need a distraction rn cause I can't sleep. Sorry for bothering anyone if I am ... I do do feel bad doing that ... I'm horny all the time yes but Im nice not pervy about it & will never want to make you uncomfortable so please keep your judgement I've had enough already cause I can't explain this well.
RE: New to this website, help?
Thanks, for the advice, still just trying to i guess find a way to chat & learn how to use this, Think i replied to your reply? not sure but what shall i change ? i dont know whats aloud here so if you could let me know ,, would be amazing!
I just i guess have no one whos interested in me, only whats below so yeah its why its all i show sorry if i disturbed you...
New to this website, help?
How is it you talk or meet people & talk to them also like idek what i'm doing so like i'm not sure what i'm aloud to do like i'm a sexual kind of person , my kind of humor so like is that allowed, i'm just chatting nonsense so sorry i'm just new & a loner so suck at putting things in words.