Posts made by Vash
RE: opportunity
I dont play any instrument but i have good knowledge of sound engineering (FLstudio user).
RE: What are your thoughts on Marriage Equality ?
@Ragnar-Lothbrok I think she means ga_y marriages. She was very specific in her second line. :D
RE: how to last longer in bed?
Well if you last long while having se_x, you automatically last long having good sleep :D.
RE: how to lose weight fast? Quick and easiest way to reduce fat?
@emily my weight was previously around 95 kgs its 82 now. Took time but i got it under control.
RE: how to lose weight fast? Quick and easiest way to reduce fat?
Take balanced diet, Regular exercise and plenty of water. Though i had tried some dirty tricks like no oil and no sugar diet, high protein diet etc, they do help a lot to lose weight quickly but i could not make it my regular diet because that kind of food sucks. :P
So to maintain weight, have balanced diet (it helps reducing food craving and also you dont feel like you are eating worst food on the planet), regular exercise (starting with just walking and stairs climbing and then advancing to a specific workout). And always have plenty of water, its needed to maintain the metabolism. -
RE: What is happening in public chat?
thats called spamming..... right?
RE: How can we make TalkWithStranger Better? Suggestions, feedback, bugs ?
Ignore the person feature will be great addition to shoutbox because if somebody does not like talking to someone they can just ignore watching their messages and will be invisible to that particular person. (the ignored person can not see the ignoring person as well)
RE: How to talk to strangers in real life without feeling shy?
Just be yourself, talk normally, it does not mean everytime you have to be funny or say something intelligent to make an interesting conversation. Sometimes reading body language of the person you are talking also helps you to avoid certain topics and to carry on something that interests them.
RE: What is the easiest way to earn lot of money?
Shortest way is always the longest
RE: What do you normally do on Sunday?
Plan for many things, then just relax on sunday and tell my self next sunday for sure.
RE: What is the best thing happened to you at talkwithstranger.com? Open your heart.
i just joined yesterday bro... it was nice talking with everyone, helped me to calm my anger.
RE: What's the perfect movie to watch on a date?
@Tina yep, lucky me.... lol
RE: What's the perfect movie to watch on a date?
my experience, pick a boring movie, that way you can have better conversation... lol
RE: Why r u all here at talkwithstranger.com? Pour ur answers.
@sarah : thank you for that :)
RE: Why r u all here at talkwithstranger.com? Pour ur answers.
@sarah nah i was also watching angrybirds movie simultaneously, lol....jk