Bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh blehbleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh blehbleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh blehbleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh
Best posts made by Unknowñ
Bye Guys I’m Leaving These Site Forever !
RE: Official award ceremony!!- VOTING OVER
Hella Avatar User - @toothless
Darling of the Crowd - @Kit_Kat
Best Tws User - @Kit_Kat
Pubchat Reviver - @Janet
Funniest User - toothless
Best Replies Twsian - @Janet
Voice Chat Legend - @jesus
Memes god - @crow
Cutest Couple - @Kit_Kat & @crow
Best Debater - @Janet
The Oldest User - @KitKat
Most Creative Person - @toothless
The Hottest User - @toothless
Most Active User - @Janet
Most Sexiest User - @Kit_Kat
Most Cutest Person - @Kit_Kat
Most Funniest User - @toothless
Best Story Teller - @Janet
Best Topic Maker - @Janet
Most Helpful Person - @toothless -
How Do You Want To Be Remembered ? And Why , Give Me Any 3 Reasons 😶😛
As a Bitch ... As a gay ... As a Bi ... As an idiot ... As a catfish ... As an Annoying Ass ... As a good Boy/Girl
... As a punk ... As a Twat ... As a sigh ... As a dumb ... As an ugly ... As a begger ... As an Asshole ... As a fool-born ... As a Half Faced Guy/Girl ... As a Nut Hook ... As a Whey Face ... As a Scut ... As a Pignut ... As a pedo ... As a Brainless ... As a cutie ... As a retard -
RE: Official award ceremony!!- VOTING OVER
Ty whoever did that 👍👍👍👏👏👏
Would You Rather Die In 20 Years With No Regrets Or Live To 100 With Alot of Regrets? 😬🤒
I would rather die in 20 with no Regrets 😋
RE: A petition to abolish the MOD system in live chat
@bye69 lili get off this site tf 🤢
The Final Stage Of Death
uh umm if ya knew ya were going to die at midnight, what would ya do on yo last day ???
RE: The Final Stage Of Death
@Janet I would've chosen to meet all my tws friends we aren't perfect... far from it but the love we have is real and the bond we share is unbreakable specially who's close to me like @Infection @cwow @papi @kidkad @Fattu @Rosemaniego😳 and I would like to slap those who argued wimme 🤣😂
RE: The Final Stage Of Death
@Infection and i'll try to meet mila kunis 😳
@toothless uh tooothy my bean yesyesyes ima never let ya go away from me and remember no matter who , what , where and when I will always need ya to be in my life even it as nothing then atleast as my friend love you bro and tx it means alot to me , made my day ❤❤❤ and yeah that song made me a bit emotional 🤣😆😅 saaale rona agaya
RE: The Final Stage Of Death
@kit_kat noooo my smolly I mentioned ya as kidkad isn't that cooote though ? 😁😁😁
RE: Finish the sentence: Just living my life _______
@R0SE ugh anime is more like cartoon kiddo stop wasting ur time on anime watch something better than cartoon like movies , series , drama's 😂
RE: How Do You Want To Be Remembered ? And Why , Give Me Any 3 Reasons 😶😛
@Hyacinth uh the one who used to play chess and scribbles is a cat lover and wants to be remembered as ailurophile welp as far as I know none will keep ya in mind or remember ya any day people in here are useless + they want to be friends with benefits I know some might hate ya simply cos They see ya enjoying the success which they don't have from the work Theyy haven't done uhhhhhh guess what life without em is boring asf 😂
What's The One Thing You Cannot Live Without 🙄¿?
Let me know ur secrets 🙄
What Are You Most Grateful For ?¿? 🙄
Being able to live each day without going hungry, and with access to a wide variety of fresh, tasty food. · Good health. · Being free of mental illness....😋😋😋😋
What Is One Fear You Would Want To Overcome huh!!!!
Lemme know more bout you guys 👂😠 temmme else 🔪