@James-C-137 exactly, it was def more than 40 mins

Best posts made by taarini
RE: Anyone else's Tws server go down?
Happy Friendship Day!🦋
Happy friendship day guys!🥰 I just baked cookies for my friends lol
RE: What is the greatest temptation in your life?
@Scottish he walked in on me when i was changing so idk...ask him 🤷♀️😂
RE: Pick your talent :fire:
To be able to know what I want and stick with it
RE: Whom do you think is the gorgeous female in the world ? ❣️❣️
Tom Holland as a girl would be the most gorgeous girl ever
RE: Are you sleepyy?! How do you fall asleep?!
I love sleep so I don’t really have any trouble falling asleep but if it’s like one of those days when I just can’t, I’ll turn on my fan cause the noise makes me sleepy.
RE: The person I fail to treat well!!
@Eucalyptus Ur literally the most positive person ik, u def got this! :)))
RE: Thoughts 😂😈 vaping bruhhh!!
@James-C-137 good job now give up vaping!!! U gon die otherwise
RE: Every man can be Superman.
Everyman can be iron man too. U just need a suit