It's a very hard choice, it took me a while, and I'm still not even sure lol.

Best posts made by Supercool4270
Would you rather live without internet or live without AC/heating
How does the laurel/yanny thing work, also what did you hear
I heard yanny, I know most people heard laurel but I didint. Also how does that work im just wondering.
RE: Who keeps on banning me?
I know its not really my place to talk and I'm not trying to be disreaspectful, but I agree with anonymous. You should be given a reason for being banned.
RE: Funny/embarrassing stories from your childhood
I used to have this Nike shirt and I loved it so much. I wanted to be called nike(I was so stupid), people started to call me nike, but then one day my grandpa told me nike was a brand. That made me so sad because I thought that the name nike was actually a name, and I was so sad. 😥😭😭
But its fine now cuz I'm older and I know its funny now but still a little embarassing -
RE: Would you rather live without internet or live without AC/heating
@help_wtfjudith Lol. I just can't choose
What's the scariest thing you've ever seen??? 😱👻👽
I want to know the scariest thing that you've ever seen, or something that's happened that was scary or SUPERNATURAL😱😱.
RE: What's the scariest thing you've ever seen??? 😱👻👽
@nick-m-13 I've got to agree with u there I've done that before. Lol
Would you rather have sex with you crush that's in your moms body, or rather have sex with your mom whose in your crush's body
This took me sooooo long to choose but I finally chose to do it withy crush in my moms body, cuz there's no way I'm doing it with my mom.😐
RE: What have you wanted your name to be?
When I was little I had a Nike shirt that I loved. So I would want to be called that and it became my nickname. Its kind of funny now, but I was pretty stupid back then.
RE: What have you wanted your name to be?
@kat_15 if you think I'm not stupid u don't know me yet
RE: Would you rather have sex with you crush that's in your moms body, or rather have sex with your mom whose in your crush's body
@mr-h lol same good choice. But what if you just drugged your mom and did It well she was sleeping and just got it over with. Did that sound really creepy? lol 😂
Funny/embarrassing stories from your childhood
I just want to hear embarrassing or funny stories from your childhood. I might do one about stories from the present(but that's not what this is sooooo let's go).