@Kana everyone dies... most people never LIVE
@Kana everyone dies... most people never LIVE
its a "shit test"... if you obsess and worry over it? you failed it... best you can get after that is "friend zone"... which is where if any man finds himself? he is no longer a "man"...
ideally? people shouldnt have to ASK for help... you see an old lady struggling with groceries? you go help her. your buddy doesnt know how to work on his car because he was raised a cuck? you fix it.... if everyone DID this like they should do? people would never have to ask for help. the problem today? is that lots of people love to GET help? and not return it... me personally? i'm ashamed to ASK for help. i am also ashamed if i dont OFFER when someone obviously needs it, and isnt asking.
@Kana I "died" once... by that i mean i was "almost" dead... hypothermia... once i got through the "cramps" of pain of it? it was... peaceful. calm. i couldnt decide whether it was "wet and cold" or "wet and warm" coming around me... very peaceful though. After that? i realized its just going to sleep. you have "one last dream" you never wake up from.
all i know is? we are "here". it is what it is, you were issued a "meat suit". you are HERE. for what purpose? to what end? make up or believe whatever you want... but, we are just "here". DEAL with it. It is? what it is? religion is for those who are afraid of hell... spirituality is for those who have already been there.