@Brain-Yam Ofc my friends specially cody n Bela
Best posts made by Saloniii
RE: What made you stay on this site?
RE: Who Are You/I/We
Idk wht to say bt i never ask such to me like who i m ......
I just enjoy my life as it is and i m happy with who i m xD.. -
RE: What's Up With Phone Addiction?
No I just cant survive without my mobile. It brings many conveniences for public in many fields of life. It gradually makes people change the way to communicate as well as consider it as something on their person.Nowadays, mobile phone makes the communication among people very different from what in the past. Face- to-face communication becomes an old-fashion in modern life because it is not convenient and takes a lot of time. Instead, mobile phone helps conversations occur fast and correctly. Besides, people can get information from another in any places like in a car, on the street, in subway, etc. Moreover, in some emergency situations, mobile phones are considered as the most useful tool to solve problem. For example, when an accident happened on the street, people can use cell phone to call ambulance and inform the place of accident to policeman and too many apps which are created for women safety. :p
Because of the convenience of mobile phones, no doubt that it now becomes a popular tool of every person. Modern life requires everything to happen fast and immediately. As a result, people CANNOT live without cellphone. Hence, people can use mobile phone for many purposes instead of hear and call like in the past.:joy:
RE: In a perfect world , would you rather have more knowledge, more imagination ,or more empathy?
i would choose more empathyyyy :joy: -
RE: Life Without Social Media
@TheGoldenMole I can't live without social media so i can't imagine
anything that :joy: without social media -
RE: What Would You Do If....
Thinking abt is waste of time i won't like imaginary thing :) -
RE: How does it feel to love a girl whom you can never met😂
Loving someone does not require any physical contact nor having to see that person from time to time. But sometimes, it is not the person you’re in love with. Sometimes, it’s the behavior they are showing towards you. See, faking your identity on the Internet is easy. So some people pretends to be somebody they’re not, attracting you until you fall in love with the person you thought they are.I’m not saying all of them are posers or something like that, because I myself has the same situation. Love is something you can feel towards another person just by communication and trust. That’s all you need :)
@Wolfie_11 I would like to go to Andaman – The Beach Haven
with @Thatoneguy32 :) :) :) -
RE: Mis-sent: Have you ever sent a text message to the wrong person
Nah never :smirk: -
RE: Would you let your best friend date your EX?
@cjko if my best friend is gone date with my EX then . it shows that she won't care abt me so i won't think that is my business
RE: If you had to move to a state or country besides the one you currently live in, where would you move and why?
@Bela-Hella I would like to move to schotland .
RE: Post Deleted...
I don't have hangout xD -
RE: Have someone/something made you cry recently ?
@cjko Nope i didn't cry recently Bcoz people around me are really very good
n caring so they never let me cry :)
Bt recently i was sad bcoz of my sis bt i got that how much she cares so that sadness also disappear :) :) :)