bro if you wanna get your dick wet you can try tinder or some other hookup apps isn't it more fun this way rather than boring sexting lol like seriously,if i feel horny i would rather watch porn then sexting with someone lol is that me or you guys feel the same way i do

Best posts made by Resya
why we have too many perv here lol like literally :D
bored and lonely
why everyone is so busy here, literally its so hard to find someone who can talk with you :(
RE: why we have too many perv here lol like literally :D
@test_account hahah i won't mind but most of them are plan dumbass, stupidity dnt turn me on :D
im pretty sure i received a dick pic today
ughh i dnt need to see your 2 inch dicks ffs stop sending me -_- you guys are gross af
RE: why we have too many perv here lol like literally :D
@Matt_Aranha honestly im not a big fan of tinder or whatever dating apps out there, for some ppl out there i know i had some friends in past and just because he was not physically very good looking or neither was good talking with girls so he never had a single match, thats how it is and i can totally understand how these things are work but yeah the point is if you are so horny then go jerk off by watching porn, i dnt understand why sexting is so much fun lmao you could be catfished by some dude as he pretending to be a chick lmfao i mean its the internet anything can be possible right so why take your chances or even rp aint fun at all, you get bored so quickly :D
are you using snap drop your id :D
idk maybe i wanna go back snap because this place seems changed, its all quiet and boring
RE: why we have too many perv here lol like literally :D
@brownie94 hahah you are a smart fellow,yeah its true ultimately you gonna lose that person even she interested in you, that's the common mistake guys always do, turn on and ask nudes lol, thats so stupid