this is easy for me to answer. First let me make it clear that people who hold up signs saying God hates queers, and you're going to hell are clearly not representing Jesus truly! Although i know in my heart God hates sin (not us). Some people want to be some kind of Hero of vengeance, because the Idols they blend with their Christian faith encourage them to use the old Testament as an excuse to enforce their agendas. Anyway as for me I have no right to judge anyone as I am a sinner, and it is written Judge not lest you be Judged, but I think I can say like if I were to throw some kind of a Jesus parade or something I'll be far less supported, even though people are all good with LGBTQ and everyone better be or you are some kind of a monster. I should have the freedom to have my Jesus parade in the streets with the same encouragement, or better for those who believe in him. Regardless of these things though in the end I believe there is something terribly wrong with the new generation. We all make mistakes etc, but honestly there is no more discretion. I really wanted to believe in a sacred kind of commitment, but now we are just supposed to watch everyone expose their bodies, and shout about their sexuality? No regard for the children, and terrible representation to the youth. We are of flesh. Here's one I hear all of the time is "I was born this way" and my answer is yes we are all born of the flesh, and all of its flames, burdens, and temptations. We are all faced with the same demons. We are supposed love each other, and have time for one another, and forgive each other yes, but if I can't tell people that this sexual madness of the world is wrong, then I need to go live in the woods or some shit